Which bird and nature books do you read and find nice to use when comparing the actual bird or tree or plant or animal that you see while you are driving your 4x4 out on a game farm or 4x4 trail.
Sasol and Robertsons
Robertson & Sasol for Birds
Sasol has a set of small book(lets) called the Sasol Eerste Veldgids tot (Soogdiere/Spinnekoppe/Reptiele/Grassade/weer/ edelgesteentes/ensovoorts) which comes in very handy and informative. Not fully comprehensive, but for us as family it is sufficient. Books a bit larger than pocket size, therefore takea up little space. In same 'suitcase' as our binoc's.
If interested. look on the Kalahari.net website & do Search on "Sasol".
No, I don't get any commission out of this except the pleasure of seeing someone else also benefiting from the books.
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These books usually accompany me on trips (including one on Geology the title of which escapes me). I also have several other reference books, on these topics, but if I used them as guides their combined weight would exceed the maximum load weight of the colt
Sasol Birds of Southern Africa
Author: Ian Sinclair; Phil Hockey; Warwick Tarboton
Field guide to insects of South Africa
Author: Alan Weaving; Charles Griffiths; Mike Picker
Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa: Revised Edition
Author: Chris Stuart; Tilde Stuart
Field guide snakes and other reptiles of Southern Africa
Author: Bill Branch
Spiders of Southern Africa
Author: Astri leroy; John Leroy
Frogs and Frogging in Southern Africa
Author: Vincent Carruthers
How to identify trees in Southern Africa
Author: Braam Van Wyk; Piet Van Wyk
The story of earth and life: A Southern African Perspective on a 4.6-Billion-Year Journey
Author: Bruce Rubidge; Terence McCarthy (YOU HAVE TO READ THIS ONE!!)
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
has robertsons even got onto facing page pictures yet? newmans is so much more practical for field use.
and for trees get pooley. palgrave is the bible but just as impractical at robertsons. those are reference books.
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It's ROBERTS!! (after J.Austin Roberts) and the new edition is not a field guide, it's a reference guide (like Palgrave or FitzSimons or Smithers).
Ugh.... nowhere near as good as Sasol, but far superior to Sinclair's photographic guidenewmans is so much more practical for field use.
Last edited by SimonB; 2007/05/31 at 08:37 PM.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
I've got a subsequent book by Sinclair, Field Guide Birds of Southern Africa.Sasol Birds of Southern Africa
Author: Ian Sinclair; Phil Hockey; Warwick Tarboton
It's quite difficult to find what you're looking for.
* "Wat Spike probeer sê in sy min woorde" -Die Skim "
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