This thread is an off-shoot of the "
101 reasons to visit Zambia" thread, set up specifically to organise a possible forum road trip to Zambia in 2012.
I have taken the liberty of cutting and pasting the existing list of interested parties, below, and will provide a link in the old thread.
Linda ("Thirstie" at Mukambi Safari Lodge, Kafue NP) is still having internet issues, so will dip into this when she can. However, in the short time I managed with her on Skype, she suggested a date for the first gathering at Mukambi of
28th June or thereabouts. The beauty of this date is that next year's SA school holidays are from 23rd of June to 15th July.
So, for a start, can we please have comments from all those on the list as to the suitability of that rough date. In other words, will next year's school holidays suit you? Furthermore, an idea of the number of people potentially in your party would help.
- Mad Manny Driving from JHB Fearless Fortuner
- RynoB Driving from JHB in Puma
- Madota F250
- Renier de Jong
- Craig Rocher – Maybe
- Randy
- Fanatic
- SarelF and Witklipbank
(Toyota Hilux 3D 4D
I can also tell you that McBride's Camp is available for dates around this time, and I know that Linda will be working something out with her other friends in the region at other camps. There may also be one or two surprises......I've made a suggestion or two to Linda that might be interesting if they come to anything.
So, comments on dates, please, and anyone else interested please copy and paste the list above, and add your name. Could I also get you to say whether you would expect to be camping, or would prefer to stay in lodges/chalets/fixed tents? Some of the camps have plenty of camping and relatively little in terms of fixed accomodation.