My mom has the same problem and she uses them.
Yes they work.
Hi Gents
I will be going on my very first sea boat fishing trip in December in KZN. I am unfortunately one of those people who are very sensitive with motion sickness (cant sit in the back of a car either) So what I would like to know is; does these pills you get for sea sickness really work? If have heard of people they work for and people that it did not work for.
What other alternatives can you suggest that you have tried and tested yourselves that I can perhaps try? All I want to do is catch a big fish without dieing on the water of sickness.
To Operate Your Own Terrific Automobile AKA TOYOTA
My mom has the same problem and she uses them.
Yes they work.
LC 78 Troopie 1HD-FTE
+27 zero eight 2 four 95 9252
Hi bmcbowles,Try ginger - ginger bicuits, or chopped sushi ginger from the supermarket - it is good for nausea. Who know's maybe you never need to even touch a pill... People who worry about seasickness most usually end up sick. Try to keep yourself busy on the boat, and always try to have fresh air in your face - it works for me, but I always take a ginger-something with for the new guys and it seems to work well.
My 2CW anyway - maybe the other deep-sea guys have other remedies...?
'07 Ford Ranger Hi Trail 2.5 XLT D/Cab
ex '07 Mahindra Scorpio 2.6 GLX 4x4 SUV
ex '04 Disco 2 TD5 GS Auto
ex '97 Disco 1 V8i Manual
ex '96 Defender 90 300 TDI
ex '72 SIIA 109 pickup w/4.1 Chev
Mythbusters did a show on Sea Sickness and concluded that ginger is the only thing that works.
Godzilla - 1997 Range Rover 4.6 HSE
Monty - 1972 Series 3 LWB (moved on)
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne
Ginger really works
Go to Dischem and get the ginger extract pills, start drinking them a day or two before you go on the boat.
I do a fair amount of diving and you can not drink any medication you want when diving.
I don't have first hand experience with getting sick, but a mate of mine takes some tablets every time we go out to sea. It works for him. He takes them when flying as well.
My other half gets sea sick when we go diving, she's tried all sorts of things to help, ginger sweets, pickled ginger, various tablets, all with varying results, the problem being for her at least is that all these remedies only last for an hour or so, so she's fine on the boat trip out to sea, but then struggles on the trip back after spending some time under water, for our last trip i found some velcro wrist straps at the AA travel shop that apply pressure to the pressure points in your wrists, worked like a charm she didn't get sea-sick once over the entire weekend, admittedly we were blessed with awesome weather so we are yet to test them in rough seas. She's more than happy with the results though. Can't recall what they were called, but i'm sure any AA store will stock them, think they were around R70.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink.
When they wake up in the morning,
that's as good as they're going to feel all day."
~ Frank Sinatra
Valoid suppository . I spent a week at sea watching this stuff work and keep people sane . Enjoy![]()
You have got to love this forum. You ask a question and boom 30min later you have 7 answers. Thank you guys. I will get the pills and some ginger (just in case).
To Operate Your Own Terrific Automobile AKA TOYOTA
A very famous skipper from Quinjata bay the evening before our charter told me to drink CREAM SODA cooldrink - at least the vomit tastes better...
Having about 470 days experience on Sea Fisheries (including old Vomit Comet herself, SAS Aghulas) and other fishing vessels, I found a dose of Stugeron allowed me to develop my sea legs much quicker at the beginning of the trip.
For other people no drugs work.
But Lesson 1... don't puke into the wind![]()
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
The pills do work.
But don't drink too much, else you'll sleep the whole time :P
Old Wheeler
Land Rover New Defender 110 P400 HSE
Land Rover Defender 110 CSW Puma
Land Rover Defender 110 V8 Game viewer
Land Rover Defender 100 PU V8
Range Rover Evoque SD4
Jaguar XJS V12
I get sick on my own boat deep sea.
Tried everything.
Tablets make some people super tired, and still sick.
Have a packet of ginger biscuit or Marie biscuits at hand and nibble on them 100% of the time. Dont worry you wont get full for obvious reasons
Dont look down, look at the horizin with the wind in your face.
DONT BE A HERO - most important point of all, if you feel sick get sick, dont hold it in. Everytime you get sick you will feel much better for 10 - 30 minutes. Get sick again, and repeat as necessary. Invent a game like, identify the pieces or better still when last did I eat carrots - now where did they come from, where have they been all this time ?
Seriously being a hero and holding it in until you are no longer in control is what floors most people.
If you are on a deep sea ski-boat ask the skipper if you can skipper the boat for a while. I have seen many people make a nice recovery once they have the helm. The combination of wind in the face and something serious to concentrate on helps. Also on front console boats the helm is the most stable place, and also away from the fuel fumes.
The whole experience is also very much a mind game. Some years ago I was doing extended sea trials with the NAVY. Many hours into the trip and feeling strong as Russia, I put my hands into my pocket and found the seasick pills I thought I had taken. 30 minutes later I was man down.
Have Fun,
Last edited by Fluffy; 2010/11/16 at 03:06 PM.
HAM Callsign - ZS5KAD
Freedom of speech is useless unless you allow people you don’t like to say things you don’t like………
If you fly or drive to an anti-Fracking meeting, you have no business being there and you wont get my ear......
yes they work, they are proper western medicine. Sturgeron is good. Remember they are essentially central nervouse system depressants and may well make you drowsy. And ginger works too.
Make sure you have breakfast that tastes nice the second time round.
1997 Cruiser 1HZ - New Toy
2003 Lexus IS200 - Daily
2006 Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 - Trouble Maker
Sturgeron worked for me...Will never go to sea without taking the pills. And I DON't have sea legs. My first fishing trip ever lasted about an hour before I started providing my own "lokaas" for the fish.
Swambo gets seasick very easy. Last Friday evening a sunset cruise from the waterfront past Camps Bay was part of their year end function. She went to the chemist and they gave her Sturgeron. She was one of the few that did not get sick.
Answers as a summary :
Pills - the ones the Henri's ma takes .
Ginger biscuits or chopped sushi ginger
Mythbusters ginger .
Ginger extract pills
Some tablets his mate takes , for flying too .
AA wrist straps
Valoid suppository
Cream Soda
The pills
Ginger and Marie biscuits , also helps to play games with your effluent .
Added : Epilepsy muti .
Added : Flat coke and apples
Added : Liquorice
Added : Lemon Juice
bmcbowles , just drop all of the above in a blender , im sure seasickness will be the last of your worries .![]()
Last edited by PGJ; 2010/11/16 at 06:26 PM.