Hi Guys
Where can I get Tef in the east rand?
Mazda BT 50
2013 auto 3.2 4x4
(aka Mazdarati)
Towing our moblie home
Imagine Comfortvan
Don't get confused between my personality & attitude. My Personality is who I AM, my attitude depends on who YOU are!!!
Ha Ha Ha
Mazda BT 50
2013 auto 3.2 4x4
(aka Mazdarati)
Towing our moblie home
Imagine Comfortvan
Don't get confused between my personality & attitude. My Personality is who I AM, my attitude depends on who YOU are!!!
As jou perd honger genoeg is sal hy eregrostes ook eet. Perde eet in elk geval gras wat n bees sy neus voor optrek.As jou perd honger genoeg is om eregrostis te eet pm my.
BlinkGat Products
Manufacturing of Aluminium
custom made Products
Sarel 082 820 9413
Mazda BT 50
2013 auto 3.2 4x4
(aka Mazdarati)
Towing our moblie home
Imagine Comfortvan
Don't get confused between my personality & attitude. My Personality is who I AM, my attitude depends on who YOU are!!!
2003 Prado VX 4.0 AT, Long-range tank, Dual Battery System, Frontrunner roofrack & drawer sytem
1998 Hilux D/C 3000D
1996 Land Rover 110 CSW 300 TDi (being revived)
Jip so halwe een van daai kleiner langwerpige vierkantiges.
Mazda BT 50
2013 auto 3.2 4x4
(aka Mazdarati)
Towing our moblie home
Imagine Comfortvan
Don't get confused between my personality & attitude. My Personality is who I AM, my attitude depends on who YOU are!!!
'n Paar nommers hier: http://www.horsegrapevine.co.za/feedsupplies.html
Nog ads uit LandbouWeekblad:
Puik gehalte, groen en onkruidvry. Prys R300 per baal.
Hoop nie Vereeniging is te ver nie!)
1,2 m-BALE tef te koop. Vereeniging. Skakel 083 393 5898.
TEF- EN SMUTSVINGERBALE, 1,2 m, teen R200 en R150 per baal onderskei-delik. Voer is skoon en geskik vir perde. Tef onder dak geberg. Verkoper sal laai. Skakel 082 486 3865. Vereeniging.
Jy kan dalk ook by van die stalle gaan hoor waar hulle tef koop (of dalk of jy 'n halwe baal kan oorkoop!).
Die Manor stables is in Kempton - skuins oorkant die nuwe winkel sentrum net van Dannweg af.
Equestrian International - is langs Great North in Benoni (net na High Road)
Daar is 'n paar stalle in High Road in Benoni.
Hoop hierdie help...
2003 Prado VX 4.0 AT, Long-range tank, Dual Battery System, Frontrunner roofrack & drawer sytem
1998 Hilux D/C 3000D
1996 Land Rover 110 CSW 300 TDi (being revived)
1 x Generator
1X Wheat eater
1 x Highway grass
1x Bag
There is your tef...
Toyota Legend 50
Disclaimer: The views expressed by me in the above thread and replies are based on my personal experience and perceptions, which may be subjected to change from time to time.
Mazda BT 50
2013 auto 3.2 4x4
(aka Mazdarati)
Towing our moblie home
Imagine Comfortvan
Don't get confused between my personality & attitude. My Personality is who I AM, my attitude depends on who YOU are!!!
AJ. Het jy reggekom met tef?
2003 Prado VX 4.0 AT, Long-range tank, Dual Battery System, Frontrunner roofrack & drawer sytem
1998 Hilux D/C 3000D
1996 Land Rover 110 CSW 300 TDi (being revived)