Strange how things happen. I have eventually decided to exchange the F250 for a more sedate and more practical vehicle. We travel much more now, and the Ford has a perpetual heavy thirst, especially when the driver enjoys the power with a heavy foot on the throttle.
Just then a stranger at a holiday resort asked me if the Ford was for sale. I gave a price which said : “ I do not want to sell “ He accepted on the spot and on the Monday brought the cash.
It was almost like somebody died in the family. Swambo cried and the boys were dikbek for days
Just then ( again ) my youngest decided to emigrate to Cape Town, and don’t I want to take over the payments on his 2005 Mazda Drifter. The balance was so low that SWAMBO accepted on the spot. The wife mos always buys and the husband mos always pays.
And then followed the adjustment !! And if you have never driven a powerful V8, I wonder whether it is possible to really appreciate the difference.
The Ford ( 229 kw on the dyna and gawd knows how many nm’s ) was swapped for a 2005 Mazda Drifter ( 75 kw - I think - and bugger all nm’s ) It feels like driving my lawnmower !!
I mean, I could drive off in any one of the 3 forward gears. I often said that it only needed a 2-speed gearbox : forward and reverse.
And how in heaven’s name can you compare the sound of a 5 litre V8 in full song to a 75 kw diesel !! Dit breek jou fxxxx hart !!
However, I must admit that after much soul searching the adjustment was easier than what I anticipated. The Drifter is a lovely vehicle and in an excellent condition ( If I ONLY can get used to the 0-100km/h in 3 days type of acceleration )
Ja swaer, dat n ou man nou so iets moet oorkom !!
But I now use half the fuel on my travels, and the Drifter is as comfortable as you can get, with all kind of gismo’s an jingles.
Attached some fouties of the vehicles.
1996 Pajero 2.8 TD SWB