Absolute waste of money.
It's not required at all under SADC agreements.
Hi everyone,
The matter of obtaining a Carnet de Passage or not has been discussed before for when visiting Zimbabwe. The question I have is if there is benefit in obtaining one for going only to Zim (via Botswana) or is it a complete waste of time and money. It does help when doing a multi-country trip into Africa.
The question has always been around the deposit (+R500) for a Defender having to be paid- one does however get it refunded at a later stage after returning.
My I have your views?
Absolute waste of money.
It's not required at all under SADC agreements.
Carnet is not required( nor requested either) by the Zim border customs.
I went to the effort of obtaining SA Police clearance to visit Zim in June/July this year, and this was also not requested from me when entering or exiting Zim.
All the Bots and Zim customs requested was the RSA export document declaring vehicles and valuables (obtained on exiting SA).
On entering Zim, you fill out a Temporary Import Permit (commonly called TIP). This document must be protected and kept safe at all times, as this TIP seems to be all the police demand to see at all the road blocks (lots of these road blocks). Just be patient and civil at the road blocks and you shouldn't have any issues.
Watch your speed limits,as the police love to catch people speeding.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Landcruiser VX100 TD
Landcruiser VXR200
Imagine Comfortvan
Arrived back from 3 weeks in Zim less than an hour ago.
Was stopped at 2 road blocks and only asked "How are you ?" and nothing else. Waved through at all other road blocks (not more than 10 in 3 weeks).
Only time TIP was requested (along with vehicle registration papers) was by CID at Beit Bridge border.
Carnet waste of time and money IMHO.
2006 Defender KE 300 TDi (aka Hari), previously 2003 TD5 90 (aka Steri) and 1994 TDi HiLine 200 TDi (aka Big Blue).
Afrispoor Serval off-road caravan (aka ORC).