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  1. #1
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    Default Pajero v6 lwb 2000+ comments

    As mentioned in a previous thread I drive a SWB V6 3.5 1999. Love the car, but due to small fuel tank,bumpy gravel road ride and space I'm looking at replacing it. The next generation Pajero LWB V6 GLS seem to be quite reasonably priced. What's your experience with these vehicles-fuel consumption,gravel ride, power ratio, reliability?

  2. #2
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    Team B,
    I assume the 3.5 in your current SWB is the four cam, 24valve, 151kw motor (with the sometimes noisy valve lifters).

    The next generation Pajero is the CK model (Gen3). The 3.5 motor has one cam per bank and less power. The marketing boys say the change is to give a flatter torque curve (I believe they did it to save money and to get rid of the potential noisy lifters). The CK Pajero has independant coils on all four corners, where you currently have torsion bars in front and solid back axle suspended by coils on the rear. The LWB CK will weigh almost half a ton more than your current SWB.

    The differences between the vehicles are:
    -A noticable drop in power to weight ratio
    -Hugely improved comfort with the independant suspension in the rear and the longer wheelbase.

    The CK Pajeros have no reliability issues.
    The much preferred motor in the CK range is the 3.2DiD mated to an automatic box.

    At around 2004/05 the rear difflock was dropped and traction and stability control introduced. That was also the when the 3.5 made way for the 3.8MIVEC motor.

    My personal choice of Pajero year was 2003. That one has the small round foglights in front, the bigger screen in the dash and 6-disc CD changer in the dash AND it still has the difflock.

    Enjoy your hunt!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoelfleRoux View Post
    T(with the sometimes noisy valve lifters).

    The next generation Pajero is the CK model (Gen3). The 3.5 motor has one cam per bank and less power. The marketing boys say the change is to give a flatter torque curve (I believe they did it to save money and to get rid of the potential noisy lifters).
    The noisy lifter "problem" affects the 6G72 (3.0) and both 6G74 (3.5 SOHC and DOHC) motors, and has nothing to do with whether they are single or double cam.
    Carpe Diem Scrotum
    Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!

  4. #4
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    Thanx Roelf. I'll look into 2003 Pajero. Diesel or petrol?

  5. #5
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    Diesel - every time!!!

    As long as you are happy with the service record and think it had clean oil and filters through-out it's life.

    I changed from 3 DiD's in a row to a 3.8SWB almost a year ago. I miss my noisy, smelly old oil-burners!

    Don't get me wrong, the 3.8 is great and pulls well and is quiet and smooth and the 15 000km service interval is a blessing. I have no argument with the fuel consumption, as a matter of fact it is better than what I expected, but still 30% more than the diesel.

    There are many threads on this forum that do cast a shadow over turbo diesels, but it really does seem that the 3.2 Pajero motor is bullet proof! Except for the cam-chain tensioner (or some such thing) that guys advise should be changed at a quarter of a million kms. It also seems that many of the cleaver guys on this forum add two stroke oil (1:200) to their diesel.

  6. #6
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    Hi Roelf
    Love my SWB. Looking at changing to LWB as mentioned before. Anything negative that you know of about 3.2 Did LWB compared to SWB?

  7. #7
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    Team B

    1)The space. LWB 1 : SWB 0

    It is obviously longer and has a bigger boot..

    Should you choose to remove the third row of seats (a simple click and remove mechanism) you end up with a huge load area below the floor of your boot. That is ideal to put all the junk we believe should be in a 4x4 and irritate the missus and the daughters when they go shopping in the Pajero.

    2)Fuel range: LWB 1 : SWB 0

    The fuel tank in the LWB can take 30l more than the SWB. Should you go for the DiD, you will get 800km EVERYTIME on a tank and push 1000km on a good day. I can only get 450km out of the 3.8SWB on a good day.

    The only time I needed to carry extra fuel on my DiD, was to cross the Namib desert. Even then, I filled one of my four jerrycans with petrol. My mate was in a V8 Land Rover 110. He was mighty glad when I offered him the petrol.

    3)Comfort : LWB 1 : SWB 0
    Allthough I do not notice a big difference from the driver's seat, I have sat in the back and thought the ride was fairly choppy. The backseating is very good though with ample legroom. I'm not going to elaborate about the inplications of only 2 doors. The SWB has longer doors, which makes use in confined spaces more complicated.

    4)Handling : LWB 1 : SWB 2
    I couldn't give the LWB a zero, because it handles like a German platkar. Why I rate the SWB better, is because the stability control hardly ever comes in (on the LWB it would be much more noticable) so I assume that the SWB has better mechanical grip.

    The other day I ran into a dead end on a long and winding mountain track, I could turn the SWB around on the drop-off. NEVER would the LWB have turned around there.

    I would say that the SWB has a "dynamic" advantage.

    Bottom line is thus, if you have a family and want to go overland, buy the LWB. If you buy the DiD then you get the added benefit of the longer fuel range. That is a benefit that cannot be over estimated!!!

    I have sent a PM with some more useless info, that I didn't want to bore the forum with.

    Good hunting!

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