I just remembered something about my first Gen3, a 2000 LWB 3.2DiD. The rear wheels had a negative caster angle, (I think that is the correct term) like when a Beetle has a load in the rear. When I replaced tyres, a routine four wheel alignment was carried out. They adjusted the caster angle, which pulled the wheels upright and increased rear ride height considerably. With my following Pajero's, I always make a point of having a quick glance to make sure the rear wheels are nice and upright when unladen.
A low-slung towbar is often because of the correct ball height for caravan towing. It is your call to fit one that sits higher, as long as you are happy that it is suited to the use you have planned for it.
My personal opinion is that the independant rear suspension is a huge step forward in terms of comfort and road holding.