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Hi everyone,
I have got a piece of land I am going to be building in Tofo Beach, Moz and am in the market for a 4x4 that I can take up there when I go. I will be between Cape Town and Tofo while building so looking for a vehicle which is easily serviced etc by local mechanics which has lead me to Toyotas. As it will be a vehicle that spends a lot of time at the beach, I am looking for an older 4x4 and have just come across a 2000 Prado 3L diesel which would suit my needs. All of the above just to ask here if I should have any concerns on the quality of diesel generally in Moz. I have heard that petrol supply is more reliable in Southern Africa but wou,d appreciate any advice on this from folks who have spent more time traveling through Moz. Basically, is it worth having diesel or would a petrol engine be a better option. Cheers and looking forward to getting this life adventure underway