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  1. #1
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    Default Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    Has anyone here dealt with this matter, or compiled or recently seen documentation or guidelines about this? Please advise and share what you have.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    Cannot help you with documents, but what we did in our 68 erf full title deed estate.
    At an AGM the majority voted that the Rules of Conducted section governing no excessive noise (the definition includes hobby/DIY powertools, music/parties, garden tools, etc.) between specified times (ours are from 22:00 to 06:00) will include generators.
    A notice was sent out and we self govern the enforcement. The process of adding an addendum to our R.o.C. as submitted and accepted by CSOS is ongoing.
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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    No law that says you can't use them. They can be outlawed in the complex rules but its a lengthy process to change and get the rules updated.

    We recently as a trustee had to deal with a noise complaint and saw it will be very difficult to ban them so after talking nicely to the tenant and explained the situation they replaced it with an inverter.

    No one in the complex knew I ran an inverter generator sometimes during the day. I repeatedly checked with my neighbors and they could not hear it but only to top up batteries for night time use. Used via proper change over switch in the garage I ran a cable to the back with a cable.
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  6. #4
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    Agreed, it is not simple nor black & white. We do not want a ban, but we need guidelines for sure. If everyone were to run a gen at the same time, it will be a madhouse.

    We have a situation where one of the tenants has a family member who needs an oxygen concentrator 24x7. When loadshedding hits, the (open frame and noisy) generator runs. That is also not such a problem, because this is seldom in the middle of the night. What happens when there is an extended outage? The gen. runs for >12h at a time - at night and through the wee hours. The machine is located under a shade net carport, but this side of the unit faces the bedroom of an adjoining unit. These neighbours have been very patient and tolerant, but it is not fair to them. I am hoping the owner of the unit will step up. Even if solar is deemed too expensive, then there are options like silencing enclosures. I do also agree with the approach of an open discussion.
    Last edited by An3s; 2023/11/20 at 08:56 PM.

  7. #5
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    We had the exact issue with an owner with failing respiratory. Basically 24/7 on oxygen.
    Long story short, his medical condition impacted the quality of 4 households around him.
    We offered, as the trustees, to donate 50% to a 2.5kW LiFePo4 trolley, he needed to add the balance, if he could prove his income does not allow the expenditure. Let's just say, we all knew he could afford it. He refused, we threw the book at him, he lawyered up, so did we and approached CoCT.
    We measure the noise with several dB meters, submitted to CoCT, they sent him notice for fines, court etc. and he bought a battery backup system. Back then it was R10k. He secretly admitted it was the best decision, he was just too lazy to do it!

    But, if he refused and went to CSOS, it would have taken years.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by swakop_toe; 2023/11/20 at 09:10 PM.
    '00 Nissan D22 QD32Ti 4x4 D/C - many, many mods.
    '10 Toyota LC150 1GR-FE VX - stock
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    - Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense. -

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  9. #6
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    Regulated by the Environmental Noise Regulations in terms of the Environmental Conservation Act 73 of 1989 and then relevant municipal health bylaws governing nuisance noise and noise pollution.

    Happy to have a chat with you if needs be. Drop me a pm

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  11. #7
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    Default Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes

    Quote Originally Posted by Reece View Post
    Regulated by the Environmental Noise Regulations in terms of the Environmental Conservation Act 73 of 1989 and then relevant municipal health bylaws governing nuisance noise and noise pollution.

    Happy to have a chat with you if needs be. Drop me a pm
    This is one of those sad realities. Laws promulgated before the actual problem existed.

    Those laws could not have foreseen a situation where you needed to make a noise to feed and bath your children before bad.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 2023/11/20 at 10:41 PM.


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