Re: Generator rules and guidelines for complexes
No law that says you can't use them. They can be outlawed in the complex rules but its a lengthy process to change and get the rules updated.
We recently as a trustee had to deal with a noise complaint and saw it will be very difficult to ban them so after talking nicely to the tenant and explained the situation they replaced it with an inverter.
No one in the complex knew I ran an inverter generator sometimes during the day. I repeatedly checked with my neighbors and they could not hear it but only to top up batteries for night time use. Used via proper change over switch in the garage I ran a cable to the back with a cable.
"K.a.k Wheeler"
I'm a moron, but humour me.
GWM P Series 4x4 Limited
(4x4) Ex 2019 Ranger DC XLT Manual + 2017 XL Auto, Haval H9
Ex 320d E90, Maz MPS 2.3 DISI, CITI Golf MKI,
Ford Anglia 307E in British racing green, my first car ❤