Your best bet is Lion&Elephant Motel at Bubi. About 4hr drive from Chipinda via Chiredzi.
We are staying in Gonarezhou at Gayiseni for 4 nights and then planned a night at Chipinda Pools before heading to Beit Bridge. However we would to prefer not to camp just one night so want to know if there is anywhere reasonably close to the exit at Chipinda that 2 women can safely stay - chalet type place.
Your best bet is Lion&Elephant Motel at Bubi. About 4hr drive from Chipinda via Chiredzi.
Mike Nieuwoudt
'89 LR 110 V8
Can't remember if they have any sort of fixed accommodation or not, but maybe Norma Jean's near the Great Zimbabwe Ruins?
Peter Hutchison
Answering the call of the wild is just so much better than answering the mobile.
Waking up in the morning is a good start. Then remember never ever to cross off the last item on your "bucket list" before first adding at least one more !!
Isuzu KB 280DT D/C 1998 (WIP) Heading for 500 000 Km shortly.
Platkar = 2010 Chevy Spark 1.2 (60 000 Km in 13+ years - town kar)
There is a Tented Camp at Chipinda pools, strangely called Chipinda Pools Tented Camp.
Perfectly safe
Regards Gavin
Last edited by Wedwo; 2023/03/23 at 03:59 PM.
2023 ND D300 HSE X Dynamic
2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4
Bush Lapa Baobab 2470
BushPig Off Road Trailer
2015 Discovery 4 30 SDV6 SE
Metalian Off Road Trailer
2010 Discovery 4 30 TDV6 SE
Discovery 3 V6 S
Discovery 2 TD5
Defender 90 TDI
Defender 110 V8 Hard Top
Jurgens Xplorer
Ah, understood the OP wrong. Yes, tented camp at Chipinda, as good as bungalows.
Last edited by Mike N; 2023/03/23 at 03:43 PM.
Mike Nieuwoudt
'89 LR 110 V8
I think that the Title conflicts with the content of the post. It is a bit confusing.
2023 ND D300 HSE X Dynamic
2007 Defender 90 Puma 2.4
Bush Lapa Baobab 2470
BushPig Off Road Trailer
2015 Discovery 4 30 SDV6 SE
Metalian Off Road Trailer
2010 Discovery 4 30 TDV6 SE
Discovery 3 V6 S
Discovery 2 TD5
Defender 90 TDI
Defender 110 V8 Hard Top
Jurgens Xplorer
Hi Sue
Gayiseni is right on the eastern side of the North section, and you would be hard-pressed to get out of the park and find decent accommodation in time. Take the advice above. Try and book into the Tented camp at Tashinga. Speak to Hardson or Clemence at 00263 779788811. I am sure they will help you. How are you camping at Gayiseni, and what vehicle have you got?
If you can't then camp and Chinguli and leave early via the new causeway to Tashinga - Chinguli has ablution facilities and a resident guard. He can supply firewood as well.
You never mentioned when you are staying there and what made you choose Gayiseni. I rate that camp probably the un-safest and worst camp in Gonarezhou - sorry to say! The old Gayiseni was moved from the confluence up towards middle ground between the confluence and the where North Security accommodation is. The camp is totally isolated.
John 2021 Prado GXL 2.8 (Australia) & 2017 Land Cruiser 79 D/Cab + Alucab Ossewa "Hagrid" (Africa)"I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up and was not happy" - Ernest Hemingway
Kgalagadi 2019 Namibia 2019 Gonarezhou 2019 Mana/Tafika 2018 Kgalagadi 2017 Lion, Hippo, Eland Leguaan, Python
Correction Chipinda Pools not Tashinga. Trying to solve two queries at once. Thanks John
Hi Sue, I would suggest either Machinawa Pan Camp Site which has great night life with animals coming to the pan or Chamuluvati. To cross over to the north side to visit the Temhawata pans you have to cross river at Chitove crossing. (Depending on time of year). You would be quite far from the cliffs though. Possibly camp only 3 nights in the east and 2 nights at Chinguli on the way out. Then you are close to the cliffs etc.
It depends on Vehicle and on time of year?
Mike you are a mine of info - thank you
We are staying at Malilangani for 2 nights, then Hlaro for 3 nights, then planned Gayiseni to be in the confluence area of the 2 rivers. We dont want to move too much which is why we chose Gayiseni for 4 nights. we want to keep Hlaro but then what camp for next 4 nights?
We are 2 vehicles, 4 people - Prado and Land cruiser - in October so dont think river crossing is an issue. We are seasoned campers - not hackers.
When we leave, the other vehicle is carrying on elsewhere and my sister and I are traveling back via Beit Bridge (we come in thro Kruger and Moz over Limpopo)
I think we will do Chipinda tented camp for the one night and then head to Beit Bridge. Any recommendations on the route to Beit Bridge would be welcome.
Really appreciate your input
Lion and Elephant is always a good stop. 00263 773284637. Also if you have an extra day and maybe Elephant Orange feeding time stay Nottingham Estates --
Hi Sue
See Map - re Gayiseni. It is not at the confluence anymore. By the way it is quite overgrown and also quite dangerous at the confluence what with lion and Buffalo. See comments on map on 2 blue blocks.
Map is wonderful - thanks so much
Hi Sue
I forgot mention, Instead of staying at Chipinda Pools Tented Camp, There is a new tented camp that will be functional in August 23 known as Chipale Tented camp. It will be situated near "Fishans" river crossing on the North bank. Lion and Elephant is easy to get to if you leave in the morning - This is just another option. You will have a good view of the cliffs.
Anyway have a great trip.Cheers ----------------