We have an '09 Terios 4x4 which we have owned and loved for several years now.
It has been rock-solid and given us almost no hassles at all - until recently. But we don't believe it has anything to do with the vehicle, but rather with poor workmanship or technical ineptitude.
Here's the story:
After taking it for a service, my wife noticed heavy vibration coming from the front left wheel so we returned it to the workshop.
The technician noted worn wheel bearings and replaced them.
After replacing the wheel bearings, technician noted there was still a "slight vibration" at just over 110km/h.
Fast forward a bit and we were told the vehicle is ready collect - with a hefty invoice.
When queried, the workshop had to send the vehicle for "prop shaft repairs".
We spoke with the technician, who told us that they noticed the prop shaft boot had perished and cracked and, as a result of the grease escaping, there was play on the universal joint which had to be replaced.
They sent the vehicle off to a prop shaft specialist who cut off the OEM universal joint and replaced it with a generic one (without customer consent

After driving the vehicle, we noted a shudder/vibration from 80km/h upwards, but only when power is coming through the drivetrain ie: shudder is present at 110km/h but disappears when you lift off the accelerator. This tells me it has nothing to do with wheels/shocks but rather with the drivetrain.
We returned the vehicle to the workshop who, in turn, returned it to the prop shaft specialist who re-checked their work and found no fault. However, the issue persists.
The technician suspects an issue with the gearbox but won't know unless the gearbox is stripped and inspected - at our expense.
This issue was not observed after the wheel bearings were replaced when there was "slight vibration over 110km/h" - before the prop shaft modifications.
I'm a software developer with a basic knowledge of vehicles, but my gut tells me it has very little to do with the gearbox and more to do with the (unsolicited) prop shaft modifications.
Any experts out there willing to comment?