Yea its probably something obvious, but I'm not clued up on critters with too-many legs... What is this and is it dangerous? Starting to get an unnerving amount inside the house, some bigger than my hand, and one recently amongst my daughters teddy bear pile
2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara 3.2
I call it a Wolf spider.
The spider folks will be along and will no doubt have more info.
Is that not a common Rain Spider (Palystes superciliosus) huge bastards that terrify everyone, they're quick as well
Wolf spider is small, 3cm
Common wall spider, 5cm or smaller
Rain spider... about the size of a helicopter, will give you a nice bite like a boil, but they are not poisonous or dangerous by any means.
I’m not great at spider ID, but ZA only has 3 dangerous spiders that we need to be weary of: Button-, Violin-, and Sac spiders. Those I can ID in a heartbeat
In the house I grew up in, the underside of most of the outside window ledges always has black widows nesting there, and the cupboards and roof were filled with sac spiders, it was bloody awful. Strong memories imprinted deep in my brain of my dad changing bandages on a sac spider bite for weeks on end and it just seemed to get worse and worse...
2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara 3.2