Very nice vehicles and I lusted after one for a long time.
On the diesel be aware that the timing chain can fail and needs to be checked and replaced as indicated. Happened to a friend at just over 200k km.
Very nice vehicles and I lusted after one for a long time.
On the diesel be aware that the timing chain can fail and needs to be checked and replaced as indicated. Happened to a friend at just over 200k km.
Yep timing chain top guide needs to be checked on the gen 3 version diesels. Upgraded guide on the gen 4.
We did the top guide on the gen 3 at around 200k km and then recently did the chain at 400k km as the tensioner was almost at max. Replaced all associated components with genuine parts. So hopefully good for another 400k km.
Lusted for a Landy but the Pajero was sexier and bigger in the right departments, just like my Missus.
GOF Club
2004 Gen 3. 3.8i petrol V6 (PAJTU)
X Factor Bundutop trailer (designed by me)
1998 Blister Fender Pajero 3500 24V (PAJ) (Sold)
BMW R1200R
SWB's for the win man, on the petrol.. not to sure but there definitely are less parts to go wrong, eg. diesel pump, injectors, glow plugs, turbo etc.
It really boils down to what you want and what you are willing to spend. Ive seen plenty 4m41s over 500k kms, im sure there are 3.8s that can do the same. With a bit of tuning your mileage and economy on the diesel will 100% be better.
I will still go back to my statement, see what fits your requirements best then send it from there, either way, you cant go wrong with a pajero !!
My 2c worth
Just sold my FJ CRUISER and bought a 2011 LWB 3.2
Both are awesome. But I sold the cruiser due to fuel consumption. Open road was giving 13 litres 100 on the V6 Cruiser
So far the 3.2 Di-D is giving 8 litres on 100km
Might not sound like a big difference but when you add up the actual cost it makes it bad.
To fill the cruiser at the pump was about R3600 and realistically I would get 1100km max.
The Di-D on the other hand shows a range of 1000km at a cost of R1700.
In real terms I was finding that doing any trip from home in Nelspruit to JHB or further to CT was just too much for the budget. Holidays and touring in a big V6 is really expensive.
Petrol is easy to maintain - but maintain you must, or you will risk failures. Diesel is the same, if you maintain it properly the chances of breakage are low.
BTW. Love the Gen 4 Di-D
Gen 4 looks really plain in comparison, but drives much better. Seating position suits me better (I'm 6ft 2) and the towing power is waaaaay better.
Consumption on the Pajero is currently 10.2 average on this tank - mixed driving.
FJ could only dream of that.
Overall, the Pajero is more car like with independent suspension. It also rattles more than the FJ. The FJ is awesome, just too expensive to run.
It was a retirement decision taken aided by economicsand towing.
Yeah, I think Pajero is going to be one of the best to drive... Certainty better than a Pajero Sport and the 2.8 Prado in my experience... I suspect the Pajero will be in the same ballpark as the Land Rover Discovery/Defender/Range Rover given that they are all unibody/monocoque but I've not driven them and for better or worse, their reputation preceeds them!
Yes, PS just smaller inside but certainly i would pick it over the Paj.Prado much better. The 2.8 is quieter and more powerful, and even somehow feels much better. Perhaps the modern cabin (compared to that of the paj) contributes to that feeling?and the 2.8 Prado in my experience!
I'll drive a 2.8 Prado again to confirm but I'm 99% sure the main thing in its favour is road noise and I suspect it'll be better in extreme off road situations... Otherwise it was laggy, lots of body roll and less precise steering... But yes, the cabin is more modern in some ways...