Look out...eruption on the way (eventually).
Blog of our African travels: stuckinlowgear.com
Well, it happened. Eruption of Mt Nyiragongo near Goma. Sounds like for now the city is safe-(ish).
Fingers crossed for everyone.
Blog of our African travels: stuckinlowgear.com
I can only imagine at the emotions that must go through one. You wake up at night to a frightening noise and earth tremors and realise your town might be devastated. You have to grab your family and whatever you can carry and set off on foot into the night. With the realization that there might be nothing to come back to.
Last edited by RoelfleRoux; 2021/05/23 at 06:28 AM.
Half of the town is already covered in Lava from the last eruption including the runway. Hope it doesn't get worse