Almost an exact copy of the SpareAir which retails for about R5k.
At 3cu ft volume, that thing will give you ~50 breaths on the surface. Assuming you're at rest, generally breating 5 breaths per minute, that's 10 minutes. Realistically, you're exerting yourself somewhat and you're not going to get more than about 6 minutes. ON THE SURFACE!
Double the ambient pressure (down at 10 meters) and you've just halved your available air. Consider that you're now swimming and exerting yourself. You'll be lucky to get 2 to 3 minutes out of it.
These things are designed as a self rescue aid for the idiot who runs out of air while on SCUBA. On the surface, what's the point? You might as well use a snorkel. At 10 meters, what's the point? I can hold my breath almost as long as that thing would last anyway.
Seriously. Do not buy this crap. If you don't know why you shouldn't buy it, then you definitely shouldn't buy it.
Well... I'm still alive after diving alone at least twice a month for a few years.
Then again, I'm not a holiday diver.