Can you share the link to the one that you have seen. R85k it needs to be near perfect.
The fact that it doesn't have the rear seat sounds like it is not.
I recently sold my rear seat for my sj. original seat. they have become scarse.
Hello everyone, I hope its okay I am asking a question here. Am new so not too sure how all of this works! Let me know if I'm wrong.
I am interested in buying a Suzuki SJ 410 and found an advert for one online. As I am a newbie, I don't really know what is reasonably priced for an SJ, so needed some help to see if the price is right. It's a 1984 model and the body has been completely redone and is rust free. Gear box, clutch and engine are all also being redone and refurbished. Seller is asking R85 000, is that an OK price for an SJ that also looks to be in an excellent condition?
Also, any idea where I could find some reasonably priced rear seats that could fit it?
Last edited by ZacharyB; 2020/07/10 at 10:24 PM.
Can you share the link to the one that you have seen. R85k it needs to be near perfect.
The fact that it doesn't have the rear seat sounds like it is not.
I recently sold my rear seat for my sj. original seat. they have become scarse.
Last edited by Fearl3SS; 2020/07/10 at 11:03 PM.
Thank you for your help. Here's the link
In the ad it says 78k but the seller messaged me and said it's now 85k. Considering the low milage, electronics and papers in order, all the refurbishing work the seller is putting in and what looks to be quite well done body work, I thought it was a pretty good price (but as a newbie I don't know much about all this) . And after browsing other options I also saw it's quite a high price... So decided to come here to ask. What do you think? Too pricey?
No back seats from what I can see... I'm also not too bothered about it being original seats or not, so not too worried about the seats being scarce. I was looking into foldable seats for extra space anyway, but because SJs are so tiny I was wondering if anyone knew seats that could fit.
Thanks again!
Last edited by ZacharyB; 2020/07/10 at 11:52 PM.
R75k with running motor. also motor is not new. it has been rebuilt. huge difference between a brand new motor and a rebuilt one.. there are some out there that has never had a motor rebuilt.
If you want to make some changes to it. This one is to expensive.
You can contact Manie Kotze in Cape town as well. I know he has a few good ones at the moment. and also stock allot of original parts.
You are free to pm me for his details.
Before you buy, you should ask yourself: What do you really want and expect from your SJ?
A collectors item, daily, allrounder, overland, weekend toy, extreme / wild off-roader, ........
Also need to consider Tintop or softtop. Although last mentioned is more popular, lots of people prefer the tintop. Each got their pros and cons.
Above will determine what you should consider spending your money on!
A good SJ retailers between R50k and R100k.
SJ’s became quite popular and expensive, but for R85k it must be a masterpiece! A get in and drive away, nothing to spend. You will go a long way to get something like that. For that amount I’ll personally rather go for a Suzuki SJ413 Samurai or a modified SJ that is more vehicle and value for money!
But will consider R85k if this SJ410 is still 100% stock standard and professionally restored to factory specifications, l’ll also strive to keep it that way, a good investment.
If you need more from your SJ, rather look for a SJ with extras. Just a few basic repairs, extras and mods to that R85k SJ will easily escalate to a total cost of R120k and more. Something that you also need to keep in mind if you consider selling to retrieve your money.
Internet media are creating a false impression of real SJ value and value for money!
Once the SJ become part of your family, spending and resell will not be part of your vocabulary!
Welcome to contact me and/or become part of the SJ Facebook and WhatsApp groups - experience and advice galore!
Looking quite good, but not sure if its worth R85k?
From photo u can clearly see that the leave springs is straight and flat. Not replaced or retentioned, make me wonder how much other parts and components were just cleaned, resprayed and refitted again?
Thank you for your help and advice Theuns! Much appreciated. Will look further into finding the best SJ for the best price![]()
Simple rule: Buy the best vehicle for your money and allow room for planned and unforeseen expenses (there will always be !).
First thing most guy fit is mags and bigger tyres, hence you’ll need suspension upgrade.
Go test drive the 410, capable off-road but most probably not going to have enough power for your regular application. Depending on your driving style.
Mods and extras are endless on SJ’s.
Thank you for your help! any idea on some good but reasonably priced suspension kits? Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's your fuel consumption like on your SJ? Thanks again
Last edited by ZacharyB; 2020/07/12 at 08:00 PM.
Some basic info:
Several options available, depends on your needs and budget.
Prices is just an indication and range from DIY to outsourced.
Basic lifts don’t necessarily require extended shocks, brake and fuel lines, props and steering shaft.
Also note that lifts jeopardize safety, stability and center gravity points. Especially if not done correctly.
⁃Extended shackles: cheap and easy lift. Lifts in extend of 1.5” is not recommended. Average cost between R1k and R5k. Depending on type of bushes and shackles: extend, scissors, revolver, .....
⁃Body lift: straightforward lift by means of extended bushes and/or body mounts. Cheap with very little mod. Cost R1k-R5k.
⁃New set of standard leaf springs and shocks: gains an average of 1” lift depending on condition of old set. Most SJ’s leave springs lost tension over the years. Cost R5-10k.
⁃Spring over axel lift: Quite a job, only recommended for the more experience guys. Can also be combined with body lift. Several mods. Cost between R5 and R20k. (This is not my favorite!)
⁃Suspension upgrade: OMU, EFS, ....... The best option by far at about R20k+
⁃Coil conversion, excellent performance and driving pleasure at about R30k+. Take note that the latest SJ’s (96-98) use to be coily’s.
⁃Possibilities are endless, but prizes can even be in extend of the SJ’s prize.
Well SJ’s are not the most economic vehicles on the road - what do you expect from 30-50 year old technology, shaped like a brick.
The average standard SJ’s are between 8 and 10 km/lt.
They are multiple engine upgrade, of which the diesel model offers the best torque and fuel consumption, expense conversion!
Thank you so much, that rundown is very helpful! I've got a lot to look into.
Same topic, different question. What would be a fair price these days for a good condition, unmolested and original SJ410 with fibreglass canopy? Minor maintenance type stuff done, but otherwise all original. (which probably adds to the risk of surprises)
Last edited by George; 2023/09/06 at 11:46 AM.
Disclaimer - All my posts on this forum is without prejudice, is based on my fair assumptions or perceptions, might not be factually correct, is in no way intended to cause harm to anyone and is acted upon at your own discretion.
All depends on condition. Mint condition and nothing to spent, easily between R90k an R110k. Deduct Estimated repair cost from that!
Will post some pics of SJ available for R95k, prize will include removing of minor rust in limited areas, or neg for discount price equivalent to Panelbeater cost and diy.
Lots of money was recently spent on this SJ to get it mechanically good
Photos of SJ410 follow: