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  1. #1
    mauwie Guest

    Unhappy Jeep starting problems

    When starting my Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD 2004 it idles for 15sec and stall then, it takes up to 2 min's to get it started again, the motor will swing and after pumping the accelerator it will start again, it happens when the vehicle stand for about 30min's and more, if you stops and start immediatly again no problem, in the mornings also no problem, the pump was chcked and ok, the injector were checked and ok. please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Thanked: 0


    I hsd similar problem, but mine would initially battle to start, and eventually stopped starting altogether. When I had the injectors shecked they could no find any faults, but that only checks the electronic part of the injector. Apparently there is also a mechanical part which can fail. Long story short I had the inkectors overhauled by JEG Diesel in Cape Town and they said on of the seal had gone which caused the system to lose pressure. R8k later problem solved. dealership quoted R16k

  3. #3
    mauwie Guest


    die diesel agent se daar was geen terug vloei nie op die injectors nie, die manier hoe hy sukkel kry ek ook die gevoel van fuel starvation, dankei vir die raad

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Thanked: 55


    There is a place in pretoria that refurbish Jeep Diesel Injectors at around R1400 per injector.
    The refurbishment includes replacing the nozzles.
    I can't remember the name of the place, but if you guys want, i can trace it again.
    SAC (Steves auto clinic) in Centurion knows the places name and number.

  5. #5
    mauwie Guest


    Thanx, i'll really appreciate it if you can get the numbers for me.

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