Sorry - replied to wrong thread and now don't know where to delete!
@captain caprivi
We had bookings at Mabalauta, Lesoda and Chipinda pools.
Depending on the time of year, I would not book anything, just go, stay two nights at Mabalauta and then drift north and make use of the transit camps. Maybe book Lesoda of if you want the Benji spot is very nice.
Depends on your preference, budget and tolerance.
'47 CJ2a
'52 80"
'67 109" sw 2.6
'76 101" GS
'97 100" Tdi
100" 2.8PS shorty Hybrid SIIa (in progress)
100" 300Tdi 5 door Hybrid R6 (in progress)
110" 3.0 Isuzu Hybrid SII
Sorry - replied to wrong thread and now don't know where to delete!
Last edited by Elsabe_Gonarezhou; 2017/07/25 at 04:56 PM. Reason: replied to wrong thread
Hi Eben
Just to confirm - certain times of the year the Park is pretty full - especially in July and August - so, if you have any special preferences for sites would still advise to pre-book - contact [email protected]
Hi Little Red
Hi LittleRed
No, you don't need to have permission to cross the Park from Mabalauta to Chipinda Pools. There are actually a number of alternative routes you can take through the Park, as well as some options of camping at some beautiful sites on your way up. This is wooded sandveld country, and wildlife not always in such high densities and also not that used to tourists vehicles - but, it is a true wilderness experience. The sites at the pans change on an annual basis depending on the availability of water, and, at the moment also have no amenities - as visitor you will be fully responsible for cleaning up after yourself and making sure there is no sign of your passing.
I attach a map here of the Park for you to have a look at - the distance between Mabalauta and Chipinda is roughly 60 km, depending on which route you take. You can book into Mabalauta for your entire trip, you don't have to visit Chipinda then as well. Our new booking system is able to generate a complete pro-forma before you leave enabling you to pay your full amount due before leaving home. Any additional charges (such as extra firewood, or a late addition to your party), can be paid for at Mabalauta/Chipinda using your credit card and/or cash.
By next year we also hope to have some new and exciting camping options, will keep everyone updated.
Best wishes
(I have already attached to an earlier version of this reply...)
Gonarezhou Conservation Trust
Chipinda Pools
Gonarezhou NP
And yes, all bookings now done through [email protected], and no longer through Zimparks.
Best wishes
Gonarezhou Conservation Trust