I do it all the time. I still work in Mapsource, but I'm sure it will work the same on Basecamp.
In Mapsource :
Open the track by double clicking on it.
You now have the track properties.
Tick "Centre map on selected items". Now you will be able to see where you are.
Click on the 1st breadcrumb. It should turn blue.
At the top, in the menu bar, there is a cross. Click on it, and it will delete the 1st breadcrumb and highlight the next one. Carry on like this until you reach the place where you want to start with your map.
Now scroll down to the breadcrumb where you want to end the map, and delete the rest.
Now you only have the section of the route you want and can view it on the maps you have in Mapsource or on Google Earth.
You can use the print function associated with Mapsource, or can use your PC's "Print screen" function and save the map as a .jpeg. You can then open it in a photo editing program and trim off the unwanted bits.
Johan 8)