Hi guys
My first time posting in the ford section.
I know its a little rude talking compact hatch on a 4x4 site, but here goes anyways.
SWAMBOs 2011 Figo 1.4 TDCi has had a problem since new. It randomly cuts out (stalls) when gearing down.
I am not talking boy racing, thrashing the box to make the tyres squeal nicely into a corner. I am talking, taking the kids to school & you drop a gear coming up to an intersection & the dash lights up & beeps to let you know you are now coasting into an intersection with no power, no steering & no brakes.

. Makes the school run more exciting for the misses.
Its been back to the agents so many times & every time they tell me its fixed but it isnt. When we first got it, the agents kept the car for weeks while Indian engineers were out here looking into it, because despite claims that i was the only one with the problem it was actual common. But a couple weeks after i got it back it stalled again. Every time it is serviced i raise the issue & they upgrade the firmware or software or adjust a switch that isnt actually adjustable. So i have given up asking them to fix it.
There are threads going back 5 years on an Indian boy racer type website. And plenty of solutions over the years but every one has been debunked by the poster when his car stalled again.
I drove the car for a month & wrote down speed, ambient temp, location where i was coming from or going too, what accessories were running etc. I concluded that it stalled the same distance from home every time if i geared down the same way... it feels like when you push the choke in too early on a manual choke car & just cant sustain itself. Like it has decided the engine is warm, but it isnt.
I have cleaned the MAF sensor & replaced the clutch switch, the only 2 things that were offered as solutions on the Indian website.
Ok so the punch line... anyone have this problem or have any clue on how to fix it. I am thinking maybe just replacing the MAF sensor?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.