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Hi al julle 4x4 mense.
Ek kyk op hierdie stadium rond vir 'n 4x4 en stel baie belang in 'n Pajero LWB 3500. Kan enigiemand vir my raad gee ivm enige probleme wat ondervind word met hulle en enige kommentaar oor die voertuig sal welkom wees, want ek het baie om te leer.
Welkom by die forum.
Ek skuif jou "post" na die Mitsu forum waar jy beter raad kan kry!
Last edited by SimonB; 2008/10/13 at 04:26 PM.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
Baie dankie , dit word waardeer.
I have a 3.5 and love it. It is by far the best 4x4 I have owned (only 3x mind you) It is reasonable on petrol considering it's size and weight. If you page through the mitsu section you will come across lots of pros and cons on the Pajero. In my mind there is simply nothing else that comes close when you take how much 4x4 you are geting for your money. The 3.5 to the best of my knowledge had no actual problems specifically related to the vehicle appart from noisy tappets and that you quickly learn to live with. Spark plugs are a pain in the rear to change and make 100% sure the cambelt is not due to be changed or if you are unsure just CHANGE IT. A broken belt will cost plenty in damages.
Good luck
Thanks dave, now just to find the right one and then go play.
As I am sure some members of this forum can attest, it took me a considerable length of time to find the right vehicle, even after making the decision that a LWB 3.5 was what I was after.
Now, having owned it for 11000 or so kms, I am most impressed by the vehicle's on-road manners. it's drives like a car. A big car, yes. But more car than truck for sure. Yes, the cost of fuel will make you cry at times but your tears are not in vain.
My 3.5 LWB is 12 years old and have done 170000km's.
Most of those km's will be remembered fondly by me and my family and the car will forever be part of those memories.
It also features on almost every holiday pic we ever took!
Never had a breakdown and never had to worry about it either.
Dankie vir die raad , sommige manne sê outomaties ,ander weer handrat .Wat sê die manne wat weet ?. Baie van die ouens met wie ek gepraat het beveel ook plekke soos CRD aan om die brandstof verbruik te verbeter, is dit 'n goeie ding of neuk dit net jou voertuig op ? .
Good afternoon all
I too am interested in aquiring one of these inspiring vehicles. But I also am caught up in what to buy. Budget is a factor and after looking around the Paj seems to be the best bang for buck. But if looking at 95 to 98 models, what should I get. Auto or Man. and do these come with difflock or LSD? Does it run the same diff as the Colts?
Sorry for all the Q's but I am a serious newbe comming from very "Platkare" 8)
PS. What are the most common pitfalls when buying an oldish Paj
Carel, up to the 99 model (easy to see the large flared wheel arches after 99) they had a limited slip diff. After the face lift they were fitted with a rear locker. The auto vs manual saga is a bit like landy vs Toyota, its never ending and your choice is what you want. I prefer manual, but plenty other guys will only use auto, all on all much of a muchness. The manual box on an older vehicle may be a better bet because it either works or doesnt, the auto may be unpredictable, I dont know. If budget is a defining factor then the Pajero does offer a lot, but remember you get what you pay for. You can pick up a SFA Toyota Hilux for as little as R35/40 grand, there you will get a solid vehicle but offering very little in the form of comfort and refinement. A Pajero of the same age in reasonable condition will cost you R80/90 grand. You are going to have to decide on what you want and what your intentions with the vehicle are. If you want a vehicle that is exelent on a no. 5 trail then a custom build Jeep will set you back maybee R50 grand (!!) a Pajero won't compete at that level, but if you want to overland then the Jeep won't compete. ie, do some homework, make a decision and let the forum guys know, somebody always knows someone who has a friend who.......... also watch the for sale/wanted section.
PS. pitfalls of the older Pajero, what pitfalls ?? OK, the 2.8 diesel seems to have a head issue if you want a diesel, try and already put R15 grand asside for a recon or import motor ie. push hard on price and get the vehicle cheaper than advertised.
Actually the 2.8 in the Pajero (although the same designation - 4m40) seems to be hugely more reliable than the Colt's. There doesn't seem to be much evidence as to why this is so, but some people attribute it to the fact that the Pajero has a dual timing chain, and slight differences in cooling.
Jbeez is the only person I know of who blew a Pajero 2.8.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
Thanx guys.
I am thinking alone the 3.5 DOHC line. When you say facelift are you talking about the change they made when they removed the tupperware from the wheel arches? around 98?
The "facelift" is also known as the 2.5 Gen or the Blister Fender. Yes expanded metal wheel arches and a few other subtle changes. Personally I prefer the look of the Blister Fender model, but despite what people say about "tupperware", it's a lot cheaper and easier to fix or replace than the metal fenders.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
Dave, the Blister Fender facelift actually happened somewhere during 1998.
Carel, the pre Blister Fender Pajeros can have a rear axle or diff head from a Blister Fender retro-fitted and then you will have a rear diff lock (you also need the little air compressor that sits in the compartment under the right hand rear seat on the LWB and of course the switch). The wiring is all there already, just waiting to plug and play...
Gerrit Loubser
Richards Bay
Land Cruiser HDJ100
Dankie Gerrit
Is die diff op die Colt dieselfde of moet dit van n Paj kom...Daar is baie meer Colts diffs wat rond lê.
Just another question, I have been looking at a couple of the Paj's from that era, and it seems that they used different leather on the Tupperware Paj to the Blister fender. It almost seems as if the leather is harder wearing on the earlier version...is this possible, or is it just coincidence that the ones I saw were in better nick...? similar milage
Thanx for the heaps of info, you guys make for a very informative forum.
Good morning all/ Goeie more manne
Ek het nou all na hele parkeer area vol Pajero's gekyk en wou net vra, is dit beter om na n hoë km kar wat min "offroad" was te kyk, of na n laer km kar wat jy kan sien was al deur die "odd" "axel twister".
Daar is n paar mooi 96 wat ek onder rond gekruip het, wat nie eers n krappie op die diff het nie, maar hulle km sit hier by die 250k of hoër. is dit die moeite werd om daarna te kyk?
Carel very good question and one which I wrestled with.
I opted for the route of lowish km (160000km) but one which obviously done a fair bit of offroading (a mangled bashplate and fuel tank was the very quick clue). To me it looked like an honest vehicle, and what you saw is what you got. A really nice looking high mileage vehicle, always has the risk of hidden dangers and potential higher maintenance costs. Not to say a low mileage one doesn't, but to my mind the engine was my first consideration.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
Hi Simon
Thanx for your input... The thing with low Km cars that have been around the block is that the motor spends so much more time at low air speeds, at higher revs that I am a little worried bout the the overall temps that gets reached under the hood. I am also a bit nervous of the condition of the G-box and diffs on these...
Last week I went to look at a nice 98 auto with low km's and she had done a fair bit of the beaten track, but whan I inspected her, and ran the motor, the g-box was as noisy as hell, and that was reving her in park and neutral. Engine was also smoking a little.
This is what gets me, how hard has the car been drivenBut as things are I will continue my search for a suitable Paj....I guess every car needs to be taken on it's own merit..
If I'm not misunderstanding you, you can't make an assumption that low km means short slow trips. It could spend most of it's days in the garage and only do weekends and holidays.
That was why I was willing to bet on a lowish km car which had obviously been used for offroading. Longish trips to get to the roughish stuff.
The gearbox and diffs on these Pajero's are solidly built and you rarely hear of anyone breaking them. I also wouldn't worry about the temperatures that are reached under the hood if the car has been used for extensive slow speed stuff.
Carpe Diem Scrotum
Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!
Well thank you very much...now poor old me has to go put back on my list a bunch of cars that I previously discarded....Oh well now i have to go and test drive some more cars...
You mention these gearboxes are robust...are the Auto's as robust? I am not looking for an auto or a manual per say. I just will take the best I can find for the money. I just want to make the most informed choice posible.