That's amazing! Keep at it.
One of my favorite Wild Coast destinations is Msikaba. It's also the wreck site of the 900ton Portuguese carrack, Sao Bento, which were wrecked on the night of 24 April 1554.ão_Bento_(carrack)
Locals have been digging and looking for treasure for generations and I've met a local who found porcelain (look like pieces of a broken plate) and gold, including a gold bar. He refused to show me the gold bar, but showed me what looks like a lid off some or other small container. Defnitley gold.
When I go to Msikaba, I go there to relax, iow to do nothing, so we spend hours on the beach, swimming, walking around on the island and fishing. On one of my recent trips, I sat on the island under the beach umbrella with the cooler box next to me, enjoying a few cold ones while swambo and mini swambo tried to catch small fish with mini swambo's net in the rock pools. While sitting on the sand I took a flat stone and started digging, about half a meter down I found 2 pieces of carnelian beads which came off the Sau Bento. The tide started coming in so we had to go. The next day I went back to the island, started digging and found another carnelian bead in almost perfect shape. It was an amazing experience to find something off a ship which were wrecked more than 460 years ago. Locals can't believe I found 3 beads in two days, as many of them have been digging there for 15 years and not find anything.
That's amazing! Keep at it.
Your mind is your strongest weapon.
Then there's.....POWER TOOLS!
2021 Mahindra Scorpio S11 SUV.
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Wont that be worth like $100 trillion?
2015 Amarok BITDI D/Cab 4 Motion
2011 Amarok TDI D/Cab 4x2 (SOLD)
2001 Isuzu KB 320 V6 D/Cab 4x2 (SOLD)
DISCLAIMER: I'm not an expert in the subject posted about above, i'm a member of an internet forum only and my comments, advise, suggestions and ideas should be taken from that point of view
From the Wiki report you may have found Manny's grandparents
Interesting that they set out to walk to Inhambane - 1000 kilo's away
Wonder if they made it?
Also the beads are a semi-precious stone ?
Amazing, keep it up.
Few more of those and your tyres will never come of the rim.
HAM Callsign - ZS5KAD
Freedom of speech is useless unless you allow people you don’t like to say things you don’t like………
If you fly or drive to an anti-Fracking meeting, you have no business being there and you wont get my ear......
Interesting and awesome experience finding these. As a child I spent our times at Cape Vidal snorkeling in the bay almost permanently, staring at the mast of the Dorothea that is visible at times, hoping to find something like you did.
"Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something, you are not here long"
Walker Evans, Photographer
I have fished and been to Cape Vidal probably a 100 times
Didnt know about this shipwreck at all
It says the anchor is visible on the rocks
Would that be the "shelf" that goes parallel to the beach
Again fished that at low tide many times but no memory of an anchor
Well to me anyway
Hi Ross, I did a quick search on Google- this came up.
I can't remember seeing the anchor, I do remember the pretty girl I met on the beach one day and the hiding I got from slicing my finger open with a bait knife while still at school.
"Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something, you are not here long"
Walker Evans, Photographer
Where is the mast you speak of
Say in relation to the very tip of the rock shelf ?
This photo is off the internet, but looks exactly like the gold lid I was shown by the local guy. I'm sure it's the same one.
Last edited by Bosvark Kzn; 2016/03/19 at 11:05 AM.
At vidal just off the beach in line with the end of the shelf
is a huge rock - sometimes visible at spring low
But it is so totally out of place that it may be the concrete that the gold was hidden under
I think next time - instead of looking for crayfish - I might chip into it to see
It's in the bay itself so that would be South West of the shelf. About where the ski boats launch.
"Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something, you are not here long"
Walker Evans, Photographer
I'll definitely be back and continue the search, hopefully I'll find gold!
May you strike gold one of these days!
The stones in your photo look more like agate stones than carnelian beads. Have a look here:
Jeep JK Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 2009
Know where you are going in life... you may already be there!
Thanks Danie. I'm not sure excactly what it is, from the research I did, I believe it's carnelian beads, but I might be wrong. Any input is appreciated and also ideas to what it might be worth, not that I think it's worth much in terms of money. It's diamond shaped and with a hole drilled through it (-+ 1,5 mm in dia), I wonder how they drilled the hole through it.
Last edited by Bosvark Kzn; 2016/03/19 at 10:34 PM.
2015 Amarok BITDI D/Cab 4 Motion
2011 Amarok TDI D/Cab 4x2 (SOLD)
2001 Isuzu KB 320 V6 D/Cab 4x2 (SOLD)
DISCLAIMER: I'm not an expert in the subject posted about above, i'm a member of an internet forum only and my comments, advise, suggestions and ideas should be taken from that point of view
Even in the 1500's people knew black and decker wasnt in the quality league
But if its been drilled then that must have been valuable
Either as a currency or in necklace form
I think Durban or bluff area was bought from the local chief for a couple of necklaces and a black label