www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za Compact Pocket Water Filter
Ideal for your go-bag, camping, hiking or any outdoor activity where you may need to purify water on the go, this little water filter is extremely compact and lightweight. Literally pocket-sized it only weighs 194 grams – inside the packaging!
Not only does the ceramic filter remove living micro-biological pathogens such as cholera and E. coli, organic microscopic pathogens, pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine and other impurities, it also improves the taste of the water.
Replacement cartridges are available and the cartridge needs to be replaced after every approximately 1500 litres (this is dependent on just how dirty the source water is).
For pics, prices and specs please see:
Compact Pocket Water Filter
Replacement cartridges
www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected]