(He is going in? Everybody is coming out.)
A mate of mine is leaving on Sunday on a buffalo hunt close to Pafuri (Moz side). Due to the info supplied here (Limpopo level) he's decided to travel via Swaziland, Xai-Xai and onto Joao bridge. His concern is the road condition between Joao and Chiqualaquala (approx. 320km) Does anyone know this road and the current condition?
2023 LC300 GX-R
2019 LC79 V8 with Infanta Inkunzi
2011 FJ Cruiser (sold)
They main road north from Maputo is great and it's also bad.
There are sections where you can travel comfortably and then you hit sections where the road is narrow with plenty of pot hole repairs which makes the road very bumpy and then you hit good roads again. In April I didn't experience too many bad pot holes. Must watch out on the bad section for sharp drop offs on the edges.
Best is when the new section comes along relax and enjoy in preparation for the stress of concentrating on the bad sections.
Speed on the main road will average out at about 80km/h I reckon.
on the gravel road to Chicualacuala travelling from Joao watch out for the concrete dips that serve in lieu of culverts. They are easy to overlook and will send your vehicle into orbit if you hit one without slowing down, and with potentially catasrophic consequences. You'll probably see quite a few black sump-oil marks from previous users encounters of the worst kind.Otherwise the road is in reasonable condition.