Wilhelm, call Christine, Zim Parks, +263 772 432 148
I'm struggling to find information regarding accommodation options at Mabalauta - Southern Gonarezhou.
ZimParks does not respond to my queries! Can anyone help?
Wilhelm, call Christine, Zim Parks, +263 772 432 148
Toyota Hilux 2.5 D4D SRX
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Ghandi
Mabalauta has a number of nice chalets at Swimuwini Camp, while the camping site is close the offices and the landing strip. Trichelia Lodge was great with good views. We stayed there june 2012. Johan Nel
Wilhelm, are you camping?
Our trip report for Gonarezhou is here:
Hilux 3.0 D4D "Goldilocks" - Rigged for overlanding
ORRA Callsign: X130
Passionate about alternative energy
Wilhelm, the options at Mabalauta itself is camping only, with full communal ablutions. As JGN mentioned, there is also Shimuwini camp with chalets only, about 10 km (by road) downstream of Mabalauta (where you still have to check in).
Mike Nieuwoudt
'89 LR 110 V8