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Thread: Audi EGR Pipe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
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    Question Audi EGR Pipe

    Hi guys,

    I have a Audi A3 2.0Tdi, 2004 model.

    Few weeks ago the EGR connecting pipe (hope I have the right name, part number: 03G131521T) got a hole in where it bends and has the "concertina" rings. The hole was on the first right, and when taking a closer look this has happened before to the pipe as the previous owner of the car has brazed it on that spot to close the hole.
    I went and bought a genuine Audi part from Audi to replace the pipe. It lasted exactly 2 weeks and the new pipe made a hole on the same spot as well. Now at least I can do a claim from Audi with the warranty to replace the pipe at no cost of a new pipe.
    But my question is why would this keep happening? Is it bad decide of the pipe or was I just unlucky with a bad pipe from Audi?

    Also I asked someone at a workshop to take the old pipe out and put the new one in for me. But this time round I would like to do it myself as it will make it easier to get the pipe out so I can go swop it at Audi when they get the new replacement pipe from their factory. Thus can anyone give me step by step on how to do this? Can I do it from the top of the engine and just remove the black airpipe coming up from the turbo to have enough space to get to it? Or must I do it from the bottom and remove the catalyst convertor to get the space to be able to remove it?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	03G 131 521 T - Pressure Pipe3.JPG 
Views:	2477 
Size:	155.3 KB 
ID:	294038  

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The EGR is working just fine. this is a pipe that carries pressured air from the turbo outlet to the manufault / throttle body inlet.
    As I say I may have the wrong name for the pipe. It is something I cant block off.

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