I was out at Melkbos4x4 earlier today just doing a fun ride. Made a bad move into a surprisingly deep puddle and couldn't back out. Electronics failed and no other 4x4s could pull me out. Front cabin footwells filled with water. Needed to wait for a tractor.
Currently it's on a table truck awaiting my decision to send it somewhere first thing tomorrow.
I'd rather not call my insurance company at this stage, because I am not 100% sure I'm covered (standard insurance) or they may otherwise delay me with a run-around. And I'm also hesitant to send it to a Toyota dealer, because this kind of incident isn't likely in their text book.
Water has breached into the intercooler filter and into the air filter (depite having a snorkel, the filter was submerged for nearly two hours), but at least the oil stick looks clean.
I made no attempt to start the engine again after electronics initially went haywire (front and rear diff locks both failed to stay engage).
Currently have in mind either to send to Hein at Burnco or out R&D, who have already done some fitting out on the vehicle.
Please advise if you know of someone else in Cape Town who'll know exactly what to do in order to minimise negative outcome, clean the baby up and get my wheels happily running again.
The car and engine has been cleaned with a pressure sprayer , but everyone is still reminding me how corrosive the water out there is... Please don't reinforce this fact to me or belittle me with any other hindsight advice. My bad, I know. :P