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  1. #81
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    Thanks for post. Just finished a contract in Tanzania, Selous Game Reserve. Malaria is rife in Tanzania, my first ever bout i believe i got while transiting through Dar es Salaam after flying in on rotation from South Africa. The second bout was in Southern Tanzania while working with APU units in Selous Game Reserve. Deaths can occur quickly if not diagnosed. Dont take chances and use every means possible to avoid bites. Nets, repellent, spraying accommodation/tents.

  2. #82
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    .........and antimalarial prophylactic tablets!
    Stanley Weakley.
    Toyota Landcruiser 76SW 4,2L diesel.

    “Great journeys are memorable not so much for what you saw, but for where you camped”.

    Trans East Africa 2015/2016 Trip report
    OR from post 315.

  3. #83
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    Quote Originally Posted by FMaartens View Post
    Malaria is a big problem in Mozambique and one need to be very careful as it can be fatal. One important point to note is that cerebral malaria is simply a complicated form of the most common malaria strain found in Africa namely Plasmodium Falciparum. In other words - untreated Plasmodium Falciparum becomes cerebral malaria. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information. Regards, Francois Maartens (Integrated Malaria Control Consulting)
    hi Francois,
    what must we use to prevent the malaria as we go on trip during july this year.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to pillag For This Useful Post:

  5. #84
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    Quote Originally Posted by pillag View Post
    hi Francois,
    what must we use to prevent the malaria as we go on trip during july this year.
    Hi - you need to consult your GP or a travel health practice. There are three different prophylaxis types, all effective, but your doctor will need to decide which one suits you best.
    Tony Weaver
    2010 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 3.2l diesel
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  6. #85
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    Talking out of experience the following information is not well known by people. I was admitted to hospital 3 months ago with Cerebral Malaria. It caught me off guard, there was no symptoms, no signs. I was treated in South Africa and was released from hospital. The RDT test revealed my count of .87 P.Falciparum was three times higher than the max needed to kill you.

    I survived, was in ICU for 2 days only and walked away with temporary nerve damage that caused severe shakes. It is gone now and I am back to normal.

    On my return to Mozambique I got sick again. Back in Mozambique I was again diagnosed with Malaria 4 days after nearly kicking the bucket. The test revealed that I had a secondary Malaria, P. Vivex. P.Vivex can be active in your body for months and you will not be aware of it. Your body can fight it but not win it. Eventually it will catch up with you like in my case. I was fine and in a matter of hours I ended up in a Coma. My chances on survival was slim.

    The secondary Malaria is what they call Asymptomatic Malaria and are the dangerous one. RDT (Rapid Detection Test) does not pick up secondary Malaria and the treatment for P.Falciparum and P.Vivex are not the same.

    I was diagnosed with P.Vivex again today. First sign is Spleen is swollen and it is uncomfortable in a driving position. Get treatment the moment you feel that pain. It is there and will eventually kill you. There are no symptoms!

    I typed from my mobile, excuse the typos

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  8. #86
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    Default Re: Cerebral malaria!!

    Best of luck ! If your doctor battles to source Primaquine to treat the P Vivax - please PM me

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