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Yay, thank you very much! :-) I got you the details, let's see if this works.
Or you pay extra, which would be totally fine as an option. If the risk can be calculated for two months, it should be possible to calculate it for seven months. And I could even do with less service. On such a long trip I have time, I can organize a recovery myself. I worry most about 3rd party liability and another driver without insurance totalling my car, and this I would very much like to have covered.
Unfortunately, its not that simple. If it was, then we would not have the problem with which we are faced since there are other issues realting to this matter as was discussed with you. For the sake of this discussion:
1. we are faced with our forex laws since you are not a SA citizen. Paying the premium in SARands is not a problem. In the event of a write-off, there will be some serious issue getting the claim paid out to you in a foreign currency into an overseas bank account. Believe me....been there and dont want to do that again. Consequently, as I did discuss with you, you will need to open a Bank account in SA into which any such funds will be paid following any possible write-off. Thereafter, the repatriation of such funds to your home country will be your responsibility.
2. Looking at your post here, you are mostly concerned about the Third Party Liability aspect. Hetre, you are advised to buy this cover at each of the borders you cross before entering the relevant country. If it is Third Party only cover which you are concernrd about, then yes, we can easilt do this for you, but only for that period travelling inside SA.
That one is easy to answer; for me it did not take winning the lottery. I have been living cheaply in a shared flat together with my girlfriend for the last few years and put some money on the side. Now the rooms are rented out, so we pay no rent. Still have the regular health insurance, and they allow extended trips. Came to Cape Town, bought an old but solid car (1988 Landcruiser), and did most of the outfitting on our own. Camping is comparatively affordable, we cook our own meals, bake our own bread; one of the biggest budget items is gas for the trip.