Try the search function in this section. This subject has been covered a few times. If you can find the answer here go look at as well.
Hi Everyone
I am thinking of installing an aftermarket suspension system on my 2012 gen 5 300 D/C 4x4. The main reason for this is the scares I have read regarding the breaking of leaf springs on Isuzus while traveling rough roads. Another is that I don't like my Isuzu being one of the lower vehicles while on 4x4 trails.
A couple of concerns/questions though:
1. How will this affect my standard warranty?
2. Will I lose that trademark Isuzu ride comfort?
3. Does the aftermarket suspension solve the leaf spring issues?
4. Does wheel articulation improve, or is that a myth?
4. I'm the cautious type, so will be considering one of the big names if I go this route. Subjectively, which one is best?
Any advice, opinions or comments will be much appreciated.
2005 IFS Hilux d/c 2700i 4x4
1970 Citroen DS20
2014 Honda Jazz CVT
Try the search function in this section. This subject has been covered a few times. If you can find the answer here go look at as well.
"Any advice, opinions or comments will be much appreciated."
Well you asked for it............
The Isuzu isn't nick-named the WORSHOND BAKKIE for NOTHING![]()
Thanks for all the comments and opinions, guys!
It is much appreciated.
ZuluCowboy, IMO having a difflock is a HUGE plus, but only gets around 75% of obstacles. However, having good articulation, particularly at the back, means there is less bouncing around of the chassis, translating into less weight transfer from side to side. This theoretically has the effect of the front suspension/wheels (where there is no difflock) having an easier time providing constant contact with the terrain.
Thanks again for all the responses!...Now to get the cash together...
2005 IFS Hilux d/c 2700i 4x4
1970 Citroen DS20
2014 Honda Jazz CVT
Hi guys....
Any estimate what I can expect to pay for longer shackles,calmini lift and Load Hog respectively?I want to lift her but don't want to compromise ride comfort. 4x4 guys want to sell you OME etc etc....Im not changing my shocks, what other sales traps are there...
Gaan groot of gaan huis toe...
I speak under correction here, but if you are going for the 3" lift, longer shocks may be required? One of the best setups on the Isuzus, IMHO, is the 3" Lift with Calmini front control arms, longer shackles in the back with Camil coil overs shocks at the back and Rancho's at the front.
I have this setup, and maybe ride comfort was a bit compromised - but when compared, it is still way more comfy than anything out there in it's class. (Not taking into account some of the "softer" bakkies you get these days...)
I also have a load hog which didn't affect ride comfort much either, maybe because I have more weight at the back than normal helps (kitted alu-cab, long range diesel tank and rear replacement bumber with spare wheel carrier)
Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 4x4 Auto
(Tough Dog Suspension / Frontrunner Roofrack and some more goodies...)
Dalk 'n goedkoper opsie, soos wat ek op my 3.0 D-Teq gedoen het
- vervang 245/16 bande met 265/16. Diameter verbeter 750 na 828, dus 39mm lift. Die spoedmeter is dan ook spot-on akkuraat
- ekstra bladveer agter installeer om die vere bietjie stywer met vrag te maak
- agter shackle met 50mm verleng en dus 25mm op die as gelig. Sommer self gedoen
- Voorste wringstawe 60mm opgedraai en toe wielsporing ingestel.
Dis al!
My ondervinding is dat hy netso gemaklik ry en baie selde 'n effense 'shudder' met die wegtrek het. Seker die dryfas se groter hoek.
Dit was +70k km terug en tot vandag geen probleem daarmee nie.
Kyk my post oor "eensame Isuzu op Bobbejaan's pas". Dis daardie bakkie.
Johan Maree
Isuzu 3.0 DC V-Cross 4x4
MB Gwagen G350 Bluetec
Nissan NP300 2.4 4x4
Conqueror UEV-25
Satphone - Rental supplier
Ek sou n ball joint flip doen voor, torsion opdraai en langer shackles agter.... Wielsporing laat stel....
Laat doen dit deur Dune offroad en jy weet dit is reg gedoen en eks seker jy sal tevrede met die voertuig wees daar na.
Ek sal ook aanbeveel om dadelik na die 3'' lift te kyk!
2014 ISUZU KB300 D-TEQ 4X4 extended cab
Melvill&Moon seat covers, 30mm Front coil spacers, 50mm rear shackels , 25mm diff drop, 30mm body lift , OL Bumper ,custom rear bumper, 76mm short Straight pipe , RK MOTION REMAP , cirrus intercooler upgrade, egr and throttlebody delete , 285/75r16 ! one mod at a time!
Fully build isuzu 4jb1 engine , VGT TURBO, radflo 8'' travel tripple bypas front shocks, isuzu trooper long travel front suspension, fully adjustable upper control arms, 4x radflo external resivior rear shocks, custom long travel rear leaves. upgraded vented kb320 brakes, rally raid O.Z. racing rims. fully caged and supported.
Suzuki sj410 4x4 (4 link coil rear suspension , R.U.F , afrox rear locker, self build offroad bumpers , nissan a15 motor with su carbs
ISUZU KB280 4x4 reef aka BEAST (3" body lift , OME suspension ,snorkel , sac intercooler , nuge-m bumper , 34" BF mudz!!!)(SOLD)
Sodra jy groter as 3" lift doen, kos dit aansienlik meer geld, jy het langer upper control arms en break hoses nodig voor ens ens.... o ja, jou propshaft bearing moet ook ernstige modifikasies ondergaan.
Die 2" lift behels die volgende;
2" shackles van dune off road.... geen extra vere en sulke dinge nie, as jy wil swaarder kan laai, gaan vir camil coil over, jou rit en artikulasie verbeter ook
Doen die upper ball joint flip, verstel jou torsion bars, doen shimming om wielsporing reg te kry en bos your uncle....
Jy moet nog steeds jou propshaft centre bearing maar dophou, maar nie so erg nie
Besluit op bandgrote ... 245/75/16
Frik Eloff
Isuzu 300tdi D-teq, reg vir die bos....
Toyota Tuna 2.7 4x4 .... grudge necessity "not my choice"
Hoe "harder" jou suspensie raak hoe "swakker" raak jou artikulasie... en in meeste gevalle hoe harder ry jou voertuig...
Die camils het my rit geweldig beinvloed op die frontier... Ek verwys na n harde rit spesifiek... As jy extra gewig wil dra, is dit n ander saak...
my 2c
Mario in Cape Town can do a 3inch lift for you PM and ill get you his info. His is good in what he dose..
2010 Toyota Fortuner 2 4x4.
2001 Isuzu KB320 Frontier 4x4.
2012 Polo GT White with community sticker.
Camil is just a Monroe shock with a spring stuck onto it, in order to call it a coil over. Ever wonder why its only available in SA?
Ek l8ve my camils, het my rit glad nie harder gemaak nie. Kry goeie diens uit hulle en sal weer camils op sit. Groot thumbs up van my kant af.
Sent from my Samsung Note 10.1 LTE using Tapatalk4
Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 4x4 Auto
(Tough Dog Suspension / Frontrunner Roofrack and some more goodies...)
As die camils korrek geinstalleer word, veral op die agterste bladvere, ry jou voertuig sagter leeg, as normaalweg met standaard bladvere + hulle is verstelbaar
Frik Eloff
Isuzu 300tdi D-teq, reg vir die bos....
Toyota Tuna 2.7 4x4 .... grudge necessity "not my choice"
Is there any other 3" lift options besides using Camil over coild shocks?
Also are there any other reputable installers besides Dune?
Yes, longer shackles....
And ball joint flip in the front, you can also add a spacer between the ball joint and control arm.... Be aware your CVs might not like the angles very much.... So a diff drop is the next best mod....