What is working well for us is a solar unit hooked up to the geyser. Geyser runs on electricity from 4am to about 7am, from there the solar panel kicks in, that keeps the water warm during the day. Geyser runs of electricity again from about 4pm till 7pm.
The control unit is set on 55 degrees, and solar maintains it quite well during the day. What I have noticed is with it getting a bit warmer now, I get up to 67 degrees from the solar panel. So when winter is gone, I will only set it on electrical power in the mornings.
I have no idea what the consumption impact is, as we got the house with this setup
2011 Disco 4 SDV6 S
'99 Defender 90 TDi
2004 Discovery 2 TD5 GS
2004 Discovery 2 TD5 GS - Yes, had two of them
2007 Defender 110 Puma
2008 Discovery 3 TDv6 S
2011 Conqueror Companion
2012 Defender 90 P/U LE