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  1. #381
    Join Date
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    Stan, we will be going in the last 2 weeks of August next year.

    The rough plan is basically:

    Livingstone - 1 night stopover
    Stop over 1 night at IT (New Kalala)
    Mayukuyuka - 2 nights
    McBrides - 2 nights
    Mushangashi - 3 nights
    Kaingu - 2 nights
    Back to Livingstone - 2 nights
    Back home via Botswana.

    2018 Toyota Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 4x4 AT - sold

    Bushlapa 78 - sold

  2. #382
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    50 km from Paris, France
    Thanked: 2


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalahari Safari View Post
    I am interested for this but asked Linda some time back and the response was "Niet", meaning only the package was on offer.
    If this has changed we'll have to find out.
    Got first the same answer from Linda. We were almost decided to make the big financial effort (we are 4!!!) but had to wait until one month before our dates to know if they have place for us.
    But then she advised the campsite in Mukambi was closed for 2012, and we got no more any answer from here. Maybe a misunderstanding, but eventually we didn't visit Mukambi at all. Even for a coffee...

  3. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Weaver View Post
    A rogues gallery from the Zambian trip.
    Excellent group of photos, Tony. Reminds me of how much I miss that bunch.

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  4. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pierre77N View Post
    Got first the same answer from Linda. We were almost decided to make the big financial effort (we are 4!!!) but had to wait until one month before our dates to know if they have place for us.
    But then she advised the campsite in Mukambi was closed for 2012, and we got no more any answer from here. Maybe a misunderstanding, but eventually we didn't visit Mukambi at all. Even for a coffee...
    Let's clear this up.......

    The Forum self-drive offer applies in October only, I believe. It is a package deal for self-drivers for 3 nights on Busanga, and a night at Mukambi before and after. There is currently no camping at Mukambi whilst a lot of work happens on site, but this doesn't affect the Forum self-drive package.

    It is far and away the cheapest way of seeing Busanga, but is obviously still pricey for those used to paying camping fees only.

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  5. #385
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanked: 49

    Default TerryC

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Liuwa Plains Solitude.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	61.2 KB 
ID:	179881 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Sunsets.jpg 
Views:	126 
Size:	46.0 KB 
ID:	179880 Solitute & Sunsets
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Early Mornings.jpg 
Views:	120 
Size:	44.9 KB 
ID:	179879 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	River Scenery.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	66.9 KB 
ID:	179882 Sunrises & River Scenery
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Camp Site.jpg 
Views:	125 
Size:	89.0 KB 
ID:	179883 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tranquillity.jpg 
Views:	137 
Size:	53.4 KB 
ID:	179884 Camp Sites & Tranquility
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Magnificence.jpg 
Views:	113 
Size:	89.3 KB 
ID:	179885 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Was he as hot as us.jpg 
Views:	126 
Size:	76.9 KB 
ID:	179886 Magnificence & Was he as hot as us?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Camouflage.jpg 
Views:	123 
Size:	99.8 KB 
ID:	179887 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	King of the Wild.jpg 
Views:	121 
Size:	84.3 KB 
ID:	179888 Camouflarge & The King of the Wild

    I take snap shots not pictures and these are my favorites because they simply remind us that we were very privileged to be there!

    Terry & Margaret
    2004 Disco II XS TD5 A/T Sold - Sad to see it go
    2008 Land Cruiser 76 4.2 Diesel SW

  6. #386
    Join Date
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    Suffolk, UK
    Thanked: 52


    Excellent Terry. There's some great ones there.

    Is that "One Fig", from Busanga?

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  7. #387
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    I took the liberty of levelling out the horizon (and standing Margaret up straight!) for you.......
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Terry_Konk photo.jpg 
Views:	254 
Size:	214.1 KB 
ID:	179894  
    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  8. #388
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    Thanked: 49

    Default Terryc

    Hi Mike,
    Yes, it was the big fig in Busanga. What a magnificent specimen. I just love it!

    Thanks for sorting the Pic, I told you I just point & click. Ha Ha!


    2004 Disco II XS TD5 A/T Sold - Sad to see it go
    2008 Land Cruiser 76 4.2 Diesel SW

  9. #389
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    Can we stick to the Forum trip feedback and comments in this thread please, and discuss other bookings and plans elsewhere.

    Many thanks

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  10. #390
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    Welcome back to Peter and Erica, who are finally back home after completing their trip.

    Looking forward to the stories, guys!

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  11. #391
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    Last edited by MikeAG; 2012/12/05 at 10:40 AM. Reason: duplicate
    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  12. #392
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    Glencairn, Cape Town
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    Hi all, I've posted my Busanga Plains report that was in today's EsCape Times in the Cape Times under a separate heading on the Zambia section, so that it can be referenced by future searchers. For a stripped down web version, go to and click on the link "As good as it gets". I'll post the web link here when I can get the site up - the internet is horrendously slow tonight.

  13. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Weaver View Post
    Hi all, I've posted my Busanga Plains report that was in today's EsCape Times in the Cape Times under a separate heading on the Zambia section, so that it can be referenced by future searchers. For a stripped down web version, go to and click on the link "As good as it gets". I'll post the web link here when I can get the site up - the internet is horrendously slow tonight.
    Here's the link:

  14. #394
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    Default Rogues gallery

    Thanks Tony. This is a super collection and sure brings back many happy memories.


  15. #395
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    Jul 2010
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    Yes, we're back after our marathon 3 month safari which included the Forum trip in Zambia (Well, parts of it anyway!!). I have not yet had time to put together any kind of user friendly report from my copious notes but will get "round tuit". As for photo's - our little mik en druk is somewhat limited but will post a few of the better ones soon.
    (Mike please excuse some references here to the non-forum portions of our trip)
    I have skimmed through the detailed and very well written reports above and wonder how much more can be added.
    In response to lekhubu943 and Pretdave' s comments / questions re the trailer:
    Maybe it was not such a good idea to take a Glider Trailer (Similar to Venter), heavily loaded and with a rooftop tent mounted on top of it on such a rigorous trip. However, with careful driving it is possible and do-able. Yes, we broke all three leaves in the LHS leaf spring on the trailer while on the Spinal Route in Kafue as mentioned above, but I blame myself for this. We were running late in reaching Konkamayo (already becoming dark) and we were definitely moving too fast for the road conditions when it happened. The only other damage to the trailer on the trip was in Zimbabwe on the way to Matusadonna National Park where we sheared one of the high tensile bolts on the gooseneck coupling. In fairness to the trailer this was under extreme 4x4 conditions. On this stretch of track it took us nearly 9 hours to cover 68 KM also arriving in camp after dark. So, lekhubu943 with your off road trailer - you should make it, no sweat!

    For those interested in some trip facts and statistics:
    Our safari 92 days in all, covered Namibiia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland a total of 14 653 KM in an aged Isuzu 280DT LE Double Cab which had 399 000 Km on the clock at the time of departure and above mentioned equally aged Glider trailer. Total cost of vehicle repairs during the trip, some R 13 000 being trailer leaf springs in Lusaka and Isuzu engine repair in Windhoek - probably to be expected considering the vehicles used. (Much less than the depreciation on newer ones!).
    The Isuzu averaged 10.28 L per 100 KM, using 1 506.2 L for the entire trip and costing an average of R 11.77 per litre (ROX: Kwacha 600 to R1 and R 8.40 to USD). The average gross daily cost calculated at R 1 140.57 but Pretdave is correct in stating that "normal" stay at home costs should be deducted from this in order to arrive at the additional cost incurred due to the trip. Note that these figures exclude the cost of vehicle repairs mentioned above. Hopefully this info. will be of use to others planning a similar trip.
    Highlights of our expedition:
    * Incredible support and friendliness of the people in Namibia who assisted us during our vehicle breakdown in Eastern Namibia, particularly Francios Junius and Anja Goldbeck in Windhoek must be mentioned.
    * The Caprivi region
    * The forum group, Mukambi, Kiangu in the Kafue
    * South Luangwa NP - Wildlife Camp (Thank you Tony for pointing us in that direction!)
    * The friendly Zambian people
    * Mana Pools in Zimbabwe
    * The incredibly bad 4x4 track to Matusadonna NP
    * The solitude of Chizarira NP
    * Missing a significant part of the forum trip due to the trailer breakdown
    * Hwange National Park where we counted over 50 recently dead elephants just within sight of the road between Sinnematella and Main Camp

    Cheers to all our new found friends.
    Peter Hutchison
    Answering the call of the wild is just so much better than answering the mobile.
    Waking up in the morning is a good start. Then remember never ever to cross off the last item on your "bucket list" before first adding at least one more !!

    Isuzu KB 280DT D/C 1998 (WIP) Heading for 500 000 Km shortly.
    Platkar = 2010 Chevy Spark 1.2 (60 000 Km in 13+ years - town kar)

  16. #396
    Join Date
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    Great to hear from you Peter.......and no need to apologise for the bits of the trip which were outside of the forum trip. It'd be good to hear about all of it.

    And don't forget photos. We like photos!!!

    "A poxy, feral, Brit architect who drinks bad beer and supports the wrong rugby team." Tony Weaver

    "Mike for President" Freeflyd

  17. #397
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanked: 577


    Welcome back Peter, cant wait for more pics, as well as your side of the story. It is awesome to read each persons own viewsand highlights and also dissapointments

    Range Rover P38

    Defender on Steroid's (Sadly sold)
    Previous: Pajero 3.5 V6 (Gas Guzzler)
    Series 3 109 SW (Tortoise)
    Platkar Ford Fiesta 1.6tdi (Swambo's present)

  18. #398
    Join Date
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    Lexington, KY
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    Hi Peter, thank you for your encouraging words about taking a trailer.

    I am looking forward to your trip report and lots and lots of photo's.

    2018 Toyota Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 4x4 AT - sold

    Bushlapa 78 - sold

  19. #399
    Join Date
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    Glencairn, Cape Town
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    Hi all, I've finally got my ADSL line back and have posted some Busanga pix in my Busanga Trip report thread below.

  20. #400
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanked: 49

    Default Terryc

    Our Homeward Bound Trip

    From Nanzhila we traveled to Livingstone (289kms) where we spent 2 nights, taking a sunset cruise on the Zambezi the second night and were lucky enough to see an elephant crossing the river from the island to the Zambian mainland.

    At Livingstone we used the last of our Kwacha’s for fuel, a decision we would regret later as we had a Community Tax stop just past the turn off to Kazungula. They wanted 40,000 Kwacha, we only have about 25,000 change left in our wallets. Okay! - then the charge is then $20’s, more than double the normal rate, what a rip off. We paid rather than drive back to money changes in Kazungula. At the Sesheke border we popped in to see Miele again who seemed very thrilled to see us. We thought we were now seasoned Zambian border crosses but were caught out again. As we were going through the final gate exiting Zambia the guard noticed that our form stated that we arrived into Zambia on the 1 October 2012 and the date for leaving Zambia was also on the 1 October 2012 !!!! – although further down the page it said that our stay was for 1 month. The guard thought it was very funny, but we had to go back to the offices to have it changed and we were soon on our way again to Curt’s place at Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge in Katima. (Total distance from Livingstone 192.6Kms.) We spent two relaxing nights there and went for cruise up the Zambezi with Curt to test the reception of my Bosvark radios on the water.

    From Caprivi we traveled down to Nata Lodge (443 Kms) and camping for one night and were able to see the final of the Curry Cup. The Sharks played a terrible game and deserved to loose but that is how it goes. From Nata we traveled to Khama Rhino Sanctuary (437 Kms) and again camped for one night. We were amazed that while sitting at the one water hole we could see 13 rhino in a 290 degree area around us (and we could see another 4 with binoculars).

    From there it was back to SA, one night at Bela-Bela ( 509 Kms) and then home (630 Kms). We had planed to spend 2 nights with my sister at Dragon Peaks Resort in the Berg before returning home, but their home in Joburg had been seriously damaged during a hail storm the previous week and they had return home early.

    Thanks Mike and the team for the really super trip.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cowan 614.jpg 
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Name:	Cowan 644.jpg 
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ID:	184699   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cowan 648.jpg 
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Terryc; 2012/12/19 at 11:45 AM.
    2004 Disco II XS TD5 A/T Sold - Sad to see it go
    2008 Land Cruiser 76 4.2 Diesel SW

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