Model: Steed 2.8 d/c
Year: 2008
Mileage: 118000
Problem: vibration under dash at 2000rpm.
Cause of problem(if known): heater box casing rubbing against firewall
Specifics of repair work carried out: I found when I applied pressure on two heater pipes running through firewall the vibration goes away. I loosen all nuts under dash on heater box (10mm scanner) . Applied silicon in gap from firewall side and leave overnight to dry. Re-tighten nuts.
Cost of repair: quoted by dealer R3600. actual cost R15(price of silicon)
Who did the repair: myself
Vehicle under warranty, Y/N: Y(mechanical )
Was damage covered by warranty: No
2008 GWM Steed 2,8 D/C 4X4