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Other than that please enjoy the site, have fun here and in the bush!
Off topic chat area.
Joke and funny picture threads are not welcomed, and will be removed without notice.
Any 4x4 related topic, for which there is no other specific Section.
Eskom (loadshedding) alternative energy sources, load shedding, backup power, generators, solar and other solutions to either power your home/office, or provide backup power during power outages. Also included solar water heating vs traditional geysers.
Section dedicated to trailers and caravans.
All those other small items relating to vehicle accessories, camping.
Tyre help, advice and discussion.
All relating to 4x4 training, certification etc.
All about 4x4 trails, 4x4 routes, and 4x4 clubs. Questions, reports, photos etc.
Advertise your events here.
Only on topic posts allowed, all off topic posts will be removed.
Off topic posts to be restricted to General Chat.
Regional matters, trips,planning. Anything localised not fitting in elsewhere.
All to do with travel and overlanding, reports, advice, questions.
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An automated feed of photos galleries added to the event galleries on http://photos.4x4community.co.za
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