View Full Version : Tracks4Africa ONLY
- Caska and T4A
- Garmap and T4A on Android?
- Montana 600, Africa Streetmaps and T4A
- Mapping with iPad-T4A
- Garmin Nuvi 1310 + T4A
- Garmin Montana - T4A problems
- T4A - Expected More
- T4A on Mapsource settings
- Help - Transferring T4A to Mapsource
- T4A Maps on Android device
- Tracks4Africa - Padkos
- Tracks4Africa Status on iPhone / iPad
- T4A and Basecamp
- T4A Detail and Basecamp
- Nuvi200w and T4A on internal memory
- Anybody still using nRoute with T4A? - Help
- NUVI 500 and T4A help please!!
- T4A on a Tablet
- Tracks4Africa Latest ver 2012.1
- T4A ver12.05 – I want my money back!!!
- Please help with getting T4A onto my Mac
- T4A Version 12.05: quick assistance needed
- Are you a Tracks4Africa Traveller?
- Who can help?
- Old names vs New names
- Tablets and T4A
- T4A Custom POI help!
- What GPS to buy and where to get it?
- [Not Recommended] label?
- Tracks4Africa Getaway Show Competition
- T4A on Montana 600
- Going to botswana with t4a map and nuvi215w with v12.05...???
- Any news on T4A for iPad?
- Any news of the release of a New Version?
- R384 Carnarvon to Vic West fault
- T4A and Mapsource
- Question from a friend - T4A in Nigeria.....
- Am I missing something??
- Garmin GPSMAP® 62sc support T4A
- What NÜVi for the T4A maps? What to do the the original maps?
- nuvi1410 + T4A. what am I doing wrong?
- T4A on ubuntu
- T4A Lesotho
- T4A does not work on my Nuvi in the city
- Paper T4 map for Zambia
- T4A Namibia and Montana 600
- Next T4a update
- Garmin 3590 & T4a
- T4 map online purchase
- Wat het van T4Africa geword?
- T4A is in the itunes store.
- T4A on the ipad, what am I missing?
- T4A on iPad Search function
- Transferring between 2 PCs and GPS
- Transferring files to Garmin 3590 - PROBLEM
- Garmin nuvi 1490T Automotive Mountable GPS Receiver
- Best Nuvi for T4A display
- T4 privacy policy problem
- Tracks4Africa Version 13.05 Released
- Multiple Maps
- Issues on Web vs iPad
- Off-road Chip
- Compatible GPS units
- Ipad and Garmin version?
- Route near Kuruman
- Tracks4Africa & Tangled Tree Wines Competition
- T4A Maps And Operating
- Choice between Oregon 550 and Montana 600
- Buying and installing T4A maps for dummies
- T4A and Montana question(s)
- Overland Navigator - how does it compare
- Mapping out my Botswana route
- Southern Africa Road Atlas - have your say
- T4A SALE - Tracks4Africa Namibia & Botswana Lodging & Camping D
- T4A SALE - Tracks4Africa Namibia & Botswana Lodging & Camping Book
- Feedback on my iPad T4A first trip usage.
- T4A Online Special for T4A GPS Maps version 13.05 - Starts 15th September
- When will the T4A app improve?
- Maybee an Old Question ... again
- Montana 500 problems
- Misplaced my GPS
- T4A Maps issue with different versions
- Tracks4Africa GPS Maps version 13.10 - Released!
- Can't seem to figure out how to use my T4A on my Garmin Nuvi
- Printed Maps By Province
- Tracks4Africa Competition:Your favourite National Parks!
- Bread crumbs on Android
- Version 10.10
- T4A on a Garmin Nuvi 1410?
- T4A Android - Saving a Route
- T4A on two GPS units
- T4A maps on Garmin Etrex 20
- T4A on the Toyoya Nav system?
- Scale in Map Source
- T4A Christmas Special - 28 November until 20 December
- T4A Confusion
- Sendelingsdrif ferry
- travelled routes not showing??
- Help please
- T4A for All of Africa?
- Garmin 2495 & T4A: compatable or not?
- Downloading trails - T4A
- T4A Suitability in Cities and Towns
- T4A on Alpine Radio systems
- Voetspore in Paarl 7 March - 18h30 for 19h00
- New T4A user
- T4A Android & tablets
- Garmin adventures and geotagging: Interesting
- T4A > Are there diff 'flavours/version' for same region ?
- T4A free on Double DIN Radios
- T4A on the ipad.
- T4A standard on new Discovery
- T4A thanks.
- Tracks4Africa Version 14.05 Released!
- Deadlock with AvMap GPS and T4A
- Responsiveness?
- Datalogging
- Tracks4Africa POI not similar
- T4A transferring and 'erasing' CN map
- new maps on mac?
- T4A map detail not showing on Montana 650
- T4A for TomTom
- Basecamp and Garmin different km in Route
- T4A on android?? When??
- iOS 8 & T4A
- T4A SD Card lost...
- Unpaved roads
- T4A for Nissan Pathfinder
- Continuity of maps.
- T4A on Ipad?
- Not Sure if this is a BC or T4A problem.. help please...
- Real time T4A help
- Southeast Africa maps
- T4a on the ipad is....
- Custom small GPS App for iOS
- T4A enhancement request.
- APP Missing
- Reading the instructions last
- Tracks4Africa Guide App Launched
- T4A info on roads in Angola PLEASE!
- Expected release date for T4A 15.05?
- Reasoning behind T4A
- upgrade
- Why the difference
- Transfer root from PC to GPS via SD card?
- Installing without using basecamp ?
- Tracks4Africa version 15.05 GPS Maps Launched!
- Kgalagadi not on t4a northern cape map
- is that really the android version?!
- Tracks4Africa website - Beta routing
- How difficult will it be
- iOS 9
- Great service from T4A
- Basecamp on PC / Padkos
- Trf map from SD card in Garmin to Basecamp
- Planning a trip on Android App - T4A
- Basecamp, T4A, general GPS training.
- Track recording on Garmin Nuvi 500
- SA paper map
- T4A Newbie
- Tracks4Africa version 15.10 GPS Maps Launched!
- Planning new trip: T4A on IOS9 worth the purchase?
- Problem with Routes on Nuvi 500
- Garmin Montana and T4A - plz help
- Garmin 64st
- can't download basecamp
- Road Condition R72
- Loyal Customer Pricing
- basecamp route complications
- Tree Island Campsite - GPS
- New purchase - A few questions
- Tracks4Africa not up to date
- Basecamp on Tablets or Android app
- Tracks4Africa App Maps & Guide
- GPS and T4A training in Durban
- Decent Garmin at a good price
- Why differents icon ?
- totally disappointed in t4t / nuvi 65LM
- Some help with Basecamp and T4a maps
- Register T4A
- Jensen JNA-62BT and t4a
- T4A Guide App now on Android
- T4A app on two devices?
- Old Botswana paper map vs new?
- Do I have similar info on iOS, can't find it
- T4A - Google Earth
- Tracks4Africa version 16.05 GPS Maps for Garmin Handheld GPS Maps Released!
- T4A seems inconsistant, help wanted
- Plotting and Printing Maps of Tracks 4 Africa
- Navigator
- How to re-gain Mapsource and T4A onto new laptop
- How to enter gps coordinate on T4A IPad navigation map
- T4A Guide App Feedback
- Disappointment with T4A
- Problems saving routes on Nuvi 3597
- Finding the roots of Tracks4Africa
- Is it possible to email t4a routes to someone else with t4a maps?
- T4A on Android import GPX files?
- new phone
- Does anyone still use t4a?
- How to send a T4A Route fro IPhone to IPad ?
- Bug: T4A Navigation for Android locks itself every few days
- T4A on Merc navigation system
- T4A on Merc Navigation
- T4A Online Shop Special for T4A GPS Maps: Starts 15 September 2016- until version 16.
- T4A x Garmin 276 C
- Tracks4Africa GPS Maps version 16.10 Released!
- t4a android
- Advisory: Trapvoet Pass between Victoria West and Beaufort West
- Garmin unit vs iPad
- TFA 2016 version no farm roads shown
- TFA 2016 - after loading ,actual road speed warning sign dissappeared on Garmin
- Loading new T4A maps - V16.05
- Transferring T4A maps to a new laptop
- Basic settings Montana650/T4A
- What Garmin to run T4A on
- Change route in T4A
- Track 'cut-offs' on T4A maps
- Rout planning
- Tracks 4 Africa upgrade.
- T4A specials at the Getaway Show
- Shop in CT buying T4A South-Africa roadmap
- Tracks4Africa on Ford vehicles
- T4A and new Navara
- New to T4A
- T4A - Track (iOS / Andriod)
- T4A Weekend
- Trusted Garmin 276cx
- Tracks4Africa Traveller's Atlas now available
- T4A app on Tomtom Bridge
- How do YOU use T4A?
- T4A Atlas Competition
- Tracks 4 Africa
- t4a search function
- Tracks4Africa - software change
- T4A in new 2017 Ford Ranger Wildtrak
- Street navigating with new T4A
- Any issue using a North American Garmin Drivesmart
- Garmin InTouch semi-sattelite phone GPS with T4A?
- T4A Phone APP vs Garmin
- T4A/Basecamp route planning trouble - where is the rest of the info?
- Tracks4Africa Black Friday Deals: 24 to 27 November 2017
- Tracks4Africa Guide Map app review
- Is Tracks 4 Africa Compatible
- Gps 5 car mounting bracket
- RSA T4A section
- New T4A Paper Map
- Latest T4A version
- T4A with Drive 51 LMT-S
- Buying Tracks4Africa in Windhoek
- POIs, the T4A "Africa Guide" and can you install it on a computer?
- T4A Tsau gate problems
- Garmin Nuvi with t4a vs t4a nav app
- Trac-Grabber
- T4A - "aging" of tracks
- T4A Maps and VW Amarok Hiline Plus Nav. System
- T4A 18.05 Purchase
- Nice Blog!
- T4A 2018.05 version problem.
- T4A on IOS
- Perhaps a stupid question re T4A Version 18.05
- T4A Map transfer to GPS problem
- Garmin Montana 650
- Tracks for Africa Guide - Samsung
- T4A to Tablet.
- Compatibility with T4A?
- Some help needed on my two Garmin units
- Install T4A maps on Garmin GPS
- Tracks4Africa / BaseCamp
- Tablet
- Will iGO8 Primo work with 64Mb memory available?
- 18.10 vs 18.09
- Very small icons with 18.9
- How to save a location from the map?
- Border info?
- T4A printed map book
- Garmin GPSMAP 276cx firmware version 3.80 issue
- Should we get T4A? (Going to Namibia)
- Route Calculation Error
- How to re-instal an Archived track back in the Unit?
- Removing T4A from Garmin Drive Assist 50LMT
- T4A and Google Maps on Garmin BaseCamp
- Card in GPS locked
- T4A and Garmin Montana 650
- Ford Sync3 with Tracks4Africa and Mapsource
- T4A Navigator app
- Basecamp alternative
- T4A and Tracks4Africa Guide on the iphone
- T4A and garmin nuvi
- mozambique T4A print map
- Kgalagadi Advise Please
- Excellent service Navworld Cape Town (Maitland)
- "Slow" navigation responses
- Are there user training courses in Cape Town for Montana 650 & BaseCamp??
- T4A Basecamp routeplanning
- Full set T4A advice
- T4A Navigator vs Paper vs GPS
- Will Garmin 60Cx work with new T4A maps
- T4A - can't find legend to explain the track/roads/gravel routes symbols
- T4A on iPhone XR ios 13.1 zoom blanks map.
- What Garmin to chose?
- T4A on new Garmin Overlander
- recommended route to Mwandi from Ngoma gate
- T4A maps basecamp
- Tracks4Africa- SDcard
- Tracks4Africa during COVID-19
- Tracks4Africa specials during lockdown
- Garmin Nuvi
- Cameras in basecamp
- Searching for street names
- T4A Lockdown Specials coming to an end
- Voice Routing on 276c
- T4A Navigator iPhone app any good, it seams outdated?
- Disappointing result with T4A and Garmin Nuvi - Newbie errors?
- Excellent Service
- Tracks4Africa Guide App for Smart phones - iOS update
- Black Friday Specials valid until Sunday 29 November 2020
- Appeal to notify T4A of changes on the ground
- T4A Download vs Download and SD
- Redownload T4A software / Maps?
- Comprehensive Zambia Self-drive Guide Book
- Garmin Nuvi2495, MapSource and Routes
- T4a version on 376cx
- T4A Maps Navigation Error - Ford Ranger GPS System
- T4A Guide App: South africa, Lesotho, etc vs High Definition Maps
- T4A Navigation App
- Tracks4africa ipad app units.
- T4A - hows that new atlas coming along?
- Need some assistance make your own mapset in mapsource from T4A
- Main off road
- Is T4A divorcing Garmin/Basecamp
- T4a + Garmin Tread + Apple mac
- T4A on Toyota screen
- Garmin NuviCam problem
- Having some trouble with Tracks4Africa
- T4A version 9.05 vs. Latest
- Basecamp_412 upload is corrupt
- Caravan Show: 24-26 February 2023, Gallagher Estates
- Gamin-less Navigation?
- Route view
- Create route over a river
- Slingsby maps now part of T4A
- New T4A trip planner (no Garmin)
- POIs/Guide File on Garmin Drivesmart 66
- T4A Map Routing Problem
- T4A - Garmin Zümo XT
- T4A 202312 Update
- Who can send me the latest T4A maps?
- Help required - T4A Basecamp
- T4A Navigation for Android doesn't work anymore
- Zimbabwe/Hwange National Park
- Has Garmin Basecamp been discontinued?
- T4A - complex situation
- Urgent - route error when uploading maps
- Map for Namaqua 4x4 Eco trail
- Speed limit T4A
- T4A staff
- Which files for SD card
- T4A Namibia and Botswana with Garmin 700i
- Drivesmart55 & T4A
- "Control Point" at Cambria.