View Full Version : Tracks4Africa ONLY

  1. Caska and T4A
  2. Garmap and T4A on Android?
  3. Montana 600, Africa Streetmaps and T4A
  4. Mapping with iPad-T4A
  5. Garmin Nuvi 1310 + T4A
  6. Garmin Montana - T4A problems
  7. T4A - Expected More
  8. T4A on Mapsource settings
  9. Help - Transferring T4A to Mapsource
  10. T4A Maps on Android device
  11. Tracks4Africa - Padkos
  12. Tracks4Africa Status on iPhone / iPad
  13. T4A and Basecamp
  14. T4A Detail and Basecamp
  15. Nuvi200w and T4A on internal memory
  16. Anybody still using nRoute with T4A? - Help
  17. NUVI 500 and T4A help please!!
  18. T4A on a Tablet
  19. Tracks4Africa Latest ver 2012.1
  20. T4A ver12.05 – I want my money back!!!
  21. Please help with getting T4A onto my Mac
  22. T4A Version 12.05: quick assistance needed
  23. Are you a Tracks4Africa Traveller?
  24. Who can help?
  25. Old names vs New names
  26. Tablets and T4A
  27. T4A Custom POI help!
  28. What GPS to buy and where to get it?
  29. [Not Recommended] label?
  30. Tracks4Africa Getaway Show Competition
  31. T4A on Montana 600
  32. Going to botswana with t4a map and nuvi215w with v12.05...???
  33. Any news on T4A for iPad?
  34. Any news of the release of a New Version?
  35. R384 Carnarvon to Vic West fault
  36. T4A and Mapsource
  37. Question from a friend - T4A in Nigeria.....
  38. Am I missing something??
  39. Garmin GPSMAP® 62sc support T4A
  40. What NÜVi for the T4A maps? What to do the the original maps?
  41. nuvi1410 + T4A. what am I doing wrong?
  42. T4A on ubuntu
  43. T4A Lesotho
  44. T4A does not work on my Nuvi in the city
  45. Paper T4 map for Zambia
  46. T4A Namibia and Montana 600
  47. Next T4a update
  48. Garmin 3590 & T4a
  49. T4 map online purchase
  50. Wat het van T4Africa geword?
  51. T4A is in the itunes store.
  52. T4A on the ipad, what am I missing?
  53. T4A on iPad Search function
  54. Transferring between 2 PCs and GPS
  55. Transferring files to Garmin 3590 - PROBLEM
  56. Garmin nuvi 1490T Automotive Mountable GPS Receiver
  57. Best Nuvi for T4A display
  58. T4 privacy policy problem
  59. Tracks4Africa Version 13.05 Released
  60. Multiple Maps
  61. Issues on Web vs iPad
  62. Off-road Chip
  63. Compatible GPS units
  64. Ipad and Garmin version?
  65. Route near Kuruman
  66. Tracks4Africa & Tangled Tree Wines Competition
  67. T4A Maps And Operating
  68. Choice between Oregon 550 and Montana 600
  69. Buying and installing T4A maps for dummies
  70. T4A and Montana question(s)
  71. Overland Navigator - how does it compare
  72. Mapping out my Botswana route
  73. Southern Africa Road Atlas - have your say
  74. T4A SALE - Tracks4Africa Namibia & Botswana Lodging & Camping D
  75. T4A SALE - Tracks4Africa Namibia & Botswana Lodging & Camping Book
  76. Feedback on my iPad T4A first trip usage.
  77. T4A Online Special for T4A GPS Maps version 13.05 - Starts 15th September
  78. When will the T4A app improve?
  79. Maybee an Old Question ... again
  80. Montana 500 problems
  81. Misplaced my GPS
  82. T4A Maps issue with different versions
  83. Tracks4Africa GPS Maps version 13.10 - Released!
  84. Can't seem to figure out how to use my T4A on my Garmin Nuvi
  85. Printed Maps By Province
  86. Tracks4Africa Competition:Your favourite National Parks!
  87. Bread crumbs on Android
  88. Version 10.10
  89. T4A on a Garmin Nuvi 1410?
  90. T4A Android - Saving a Route
  91. T4A on two GPS units
  92. T4A maps on Garmin Etrex 20
  93. T4A on the Toyoya Nav system?
  94. Scale in Map Source
  95. T4A Christmas Special - 28 November until 20 December
  96. T4A Confusion
  97. Sendelingsdrif ferry
  98. travelled routes not showing??
  99. Help please
  100. T4A for All of Africa?
  101. Garmin 2495 & T4A: compatable or not?
  102. Downloading trails - T4A
  103. T4A Suitability in Cities and Towns
  104. T4A on Alpine Radio systems
  105. Voetspore in Paarl 7 March - 18h30 for 19h00
  106. New T4A user
  107. T4A Android & tablets
  108. Garmin adventures and geotagging: Interesting
  109. T4A > Are there diff 'flavours/version' for same region ?
  110. T4A free on Double DIN Radios
  111. T4A on the ipad.
  112. T4A standard on new Discovery
  113. T4A thanks.
  114. Tracks4Africa Version 14.05 Released!
  115. Deadlock with AvMap GPS and T4A
  116. Responsiveness?
  117. Datalogging
  118. Tracks4Africa POI not similar
  119. T4A transferring and 'erasing' CN map
  120. new maps on mac?
  121. T4A map detail not showing on Montana 650
  122. T4A for TomTom
  123. Basecamp and Garmin different km in Route
  124. T4A on android?? When??
  125. iOS 8 & T4A
  126. T4A SD Card lost...
  127. Unpaved roads
  128. T4A for Nissan Pathfinder
  129. Continuity of maps.
  130. T4A on Ipad?
  131. Not Sure if this is a BC or T4A problem.. help please...
  132. Real time T4A help
  133. Southeast Africa maps
  134. T4a on the ipad is....
  135. Custom small GPS App for iOS
  136. T4A enhancement request.
  137. APP Missing
  138. Reading the instructions last
  139. Tracks4Africa Guide App Launched
  140. T4A info on roads in Angola PLEASE!
  141. Expected release date for T4A 15.05?
  142. Reasoning behind T4A
  143. upgrade
  144. Why the difference
  145. Transfer root from PC to GPS via SD card?
  146. Installing without using basecamp ?
  147. Tracks4Africa version 15.05 GPS Maps Launched!
  148. Kgalagadi not on t4a northern cape map
  149. is that really the android version?!
  150. Tracks4Africa website - Beta routing
  151. How difficult will it be
  152. iOS 9
  153. Great service from T4A
  154. Basecamp on PC / Padkos
  155. Trf map from SD card in Garmin to Basecamp
  156. Planning a trip on Android App - T4A
  157. Basecamp, T4A, general GPS training.
  158. Track recording on Garmin Nuvi 500
  159. SA paper map
  160. T4A Newbie
  161. Tracks4Africa version 15.10 GPS Maps Launched!
  162. Planning new trip: T4A on IOS9 worth the purchase?
  163. Problem with Routes on Nuvi 500
  164. Garmin Montana and T4A - plz help
  165. Garmin 64st
  166. can't download basecamp
  167. Road Condition R72
  168. Loyal Customer Pricing
  169. basecamp route complications
  170. Tree Island Campsite - GPS
  171. New purchase - A few questions
  172. Tracks4Africa not up to date
  173. Basecamp on Tablets or Android app
  174. Tracks4Africa App Maps & Guide
  175. GPS and T4A training in Durban
  176. Decent Garmin at a good price
  177. Why differents icon ?
  178. totally disappointed in t4t / nuvi 65LM
  179. Some help with Basecamp and T4a maps
  180. Register T4A
  181. Jensen JNA-62BT and t4a
  182. T4A Guide App now on Android
  183. T4A app on two devices?
  184. Old Botswana paper map vs new?
  185. Do I have similar info on iOS, can't find it
  186. T4A - Google Earth
  187. Tracks4Africa version 16.05 GPS Maps for Garmin Handheld GPS Maps Released!
  188. T4A seems inconsistant, help wanted
  189. Plotting and Printing Maps of Tracks 4 Africa
  190. Navigator
  191. How to re-gain Mapsource and T4A onto new laptop
  192. How to enter gps coordinate on T4A IPad navigation map
  193. T4A Guide App Feedback
  194. Disappointment with T4A
  195. Problems saving routes on Nuvi 3597
  196. Finding the roots of Tracks4Africa
  197. Is it possible to email t4a routes to someone else with t4a maps?
  198. T4A on Android import GPX files?
  199. new phone
  200. Does anyone still use t4a?
  201. How to send a T4A Route fro IPhone to IPad ?
  202. Bug: T4A Navigation for Android locks itself every few days
  203. T4A on Merc navigation system
  204. T4A on Merc Navigation
  205. T4A Online Shop Special for T4A GPS Maps: Starts 15 September 2016- until version 16.
  206. T4A x Garmin 276 C
  207. Tracks4Africa GPS Maps version 16.10 Released!
  208. t4a android
  209. Advisory: Trapvoet Pass between Victoria West and Beaufort West
  210. Garmin unit vs iPad
  211. TFA 2016 version no farm roads shown
  212. TFA 2016 - after loading ,actual road speed warning sign dissappeared on Garmin
  213. Loading new T4A maps - V16.05
  214. Transferring T4A maps to a new laptop
  215. Basic settings Montana650/T4A
  216. What Garmin to run T4A on
  217. Change route in T4A
  218. Track 'cut-offs' on T4A maps
  219. Rout planning
  220. Tracks 4 Africa upgrade.
  221. T4A specials at the Getaway Show
  222. Shop in CT buying T4A South-Africa roadmap
  223. Tracks4Africa on Ford vehicles
  224. T4A and new Navara
  225. New to T4A
  226. T4A - Track (iOS / Andriod)
  227. T4A Weekend
  228. Trusted Garmin 276cx
  229. Tracks4Africa Traveller's Atlas now available
  230. T4A app on Tomtom Bridge
  231. How do YOU use T4A?
  232. T4A Atlas Competition
  233. Tracks 4 Africa
  234. t4a search function
  235. Tracks4Africa - software change
  236. T4A in new 2017 Ford Ranger Wildtrak
  237. Street navigating with new T4A
  238. Any issue using a North American Garmin Drivesmart
  239. Garmin InTouch semi-sattelite phone GPS with T4A?
  240. T4A Phone APP vs Garmin
  241. T4A/Basecamp route planning trouble - where is the rest of the info?
  242. Tracks4Africa Black Friday Deals: 24 to 27 November 2017
  243. Tracks4Africa Guide Map app review
  244. Is Tracks 4 Africa Compatible
  245. Gps 5 car mounting bracket
  246. RSA T4A section
  247. New T4A Paper Map
  248. Latest T4A version
  249. T4A with Drive 51 LMT-S
  250. Buying Tracks4Africa in Windhoek
  251. POIs, the T4A "Africa Guide" and can you install it on a computer?
  252. T4A Tsau gate problems
  253. Garmin Nuvi with t4a vs t4a nav app
  254. Trac-Grabber
  255. T4A - "aging" of tracks
  256. T4A Maps and VW Amarok Hiline Plus Nav. System
  257. T4A 18.05 Purchase
  258. Nice Blog!
  259. T4A 2018.05 version problem.
  260. T4A on IOS
  261. Perhaps a stupid question re T4A Version 18.05
  262. T4A Map transfer to GPS problem
  263. Garmin Montana 650
  264. Tracks for Africa Guide - Samsung
  265. T4A to Tablet.
  266. Compatibility with T4A?
  267. Some help needed on my two Garmin units
  268. Install T4A maps on Garmin GPS
  269. Tracks4Africa / BaseCamp
  270. Tablet
  271. Will iGO8 Primo work with 64Mb memory available?
  272. 18.10 vs 18.09
  273. Very small icons with 18.9
  274. How to save a location from the map?
  275. Border info?
  276. T4A printed map book
  277. Garmin GPSMAP 276cx firmware version 3.80 issue
  278. Should we get T4A? (Going to Namibia)
  279. Route Calculation Error
  280. How to re-instal an Archived track back in the Unit?
  281. Removing T4A from Garmin Drive Assist 50LMT
  282. T4A and Google Maps on Garmin BaseCamp
  283. Card in GPS locked
  284. T4A and Garmin Montana 650
  285. Ford Sync3 with Tracks4Africa and Mapsource
  286. T4A Navigator app
  287. Basecamp alternative
  288. T4A and Tracks4Africa Guide on the iphone
  289. T4A and garmin nuvi
  290. mozambique T4A print map
  291. Kgalagadi Advise Please
  292. Excellent service Navworld Cape Town (Maitland)
  293. "Slow" navigation responses
  294. Are there user training courses in Cape Town for Montana 650 & BaseCamp??
  295. T4A Basecamp routeplanning
  296. Full set T4A advice
  297. T4A Navigator vs Paper vs GPS
  298. Will Garmin 60Cx work with new T4A maps
  299. T4A - can't find legend to explain the track/roads/gravel routes symbols
  300. T4A on iPhone XR ios 13.1 zoom blanks map.
  301. What Garmin to chose?
  302. T4A on new Garmin Overlander
  303. recommended route to Mwandi from Ngoma gate
  304. T4A maps basecamp
  305. Tracks4Africa- SDcard
  306. Tracks4Africa during COVID-19
  307. Tracks4Africa specials during lockdown
  308. Garmin Nuvi
  309. Cameras in basecamp
  310. Searching for street names
  311. T4A Lockdown Specials coming to an end
  312. Voice Routing on 276c
  313. T4A Navigator iPhone app any good, it seams outdated?
  314. Disappointing result with T4A and Garmin Nuvi - Newbie errors?
  315. Excellent Service
  316. Tracks4Africa Guide App for Smart phones - iOS update
  317. Black Friday Specials valid until Sunday 29 November 2020
  318. Appeal to notify T4A of changes on the ground
  319. T4A Download vs Download and SD
  320. Redownload T4A software / Maps?
  321. Comprehensive Zambia Self-drive Guide Book
  322. Garmin Nuvi2495, MapSource and Routes
  323. T4a version on 376cx
  324. T4A Maps Navigation Error - Ford Ranger GPS System
  325. T4A Guide App: South africa, Lesotho, etc vs High Definition Maps
  326. T4A Navigation App
  327. Tracks4africa ipad app units.
  328. T4A - hows that new atlas coming along?
  329. Need some assistance make your own mapset in mapsource from T4A
  330. Main off road
  331. Is T4A divorcing Garmin/Basecamp
  332. T4a + Garmin Tread + Apple mac
  333. T4A on Toyota screen
  334. Garmin NuviCam problem
  335. Having some trouble with Tracks4Africa
  336. T4A version 9.05 vs. Latest
  337. Basecamp_412 upload is corrupt
  338. Caravan Show: 24-26 February 2023, Gallagher Estates
  339. Gamin-less Navigation?
  340. Route view
  341. Create route over a river
  342. Slingsby maps now part of T4A
  343. New T4A trip planner (no Garmin)
  344. POIs/Guide File on Garmin Drivesmart 66
  345. T4A Map Routing Problem
  346. T4A - Garmin Zümo XT
  347. T4A 202312 Update
  348. Who can send me the latest T4A maps?
  349. Help required - T4A Basecamp
  350. T4A Navigation for Android doesn't work anymore
  351. Zimbabwe/Hwange National Park
  352. Has Garmin Basecamp been discontinued?
  353. T4A - complex situation
  354. Urgent - route error when uploading maps
  355. Map for Namaqua 4x4 Eco trail
  356. Speed limit T4A
  357. T4A staff
  358. Which files for SD card
  359. T4A Namibia and Botswana with Garmin 700i
  360. Drivesmart55 & T4A
  361. "Control Point" at Cambria.