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  1. Western Zambia
  2. Enormous Floods In South Luangwa!!!
  3. Waterfront Campsite
  4. Inoculations for Zambia? Money in Vic Falls?
  5. Southern African trip - Dec/Jan
  6. kasanka national park
  7. Vehicle requirements
  8. Zambian parks rates
  9. Maramba Lodge - Livingstone
  10. Zambia, including Kafue
  11. Traveling from Livingstone (Zambia) to Nata (Botswana)
  12. Lower Zambezi NP
  13. Liuwa Plains question
  14. Zambia & Tanzania VISAS??
  15. Reflectors?
  16. Gas refills in Zambia
  17. Zambia vehicle clearance?
  18. Kafue - advice needed
  19. Latest Information needed on Liuwa Plains Zambia
  20. Any current info Livingston - Petauke - Flat Dogs
  21. South Luangwa NP Chifungwe gate
  22. Zambia (via Bots and Nam) Trip Report, June/July 2008
  23. Yellow Fever, visas etc
  24. Fuel Shortages in Zambia
  25. Bats by the thousands
  26. Drawing cash in Ndola
  27. North-East zambia
  28. Selous Game Reserve(Tanzania) biggest game reserve in Africa
  29. Anybody going to Zambia
  30. Zambia Elections - October 30th 2008
  31. Kia to Zambia
  32. Zambia in April?
  33. Comprehensive trip report Zambia
  34. Sioma Ngweze?
  35. Vic Falls - Zambia side
  36. Help with planning Zambia expedition
  37. Zambia - National Parks
  38. Liuwa Plains, Zambia - general info
  39. cmimfunshi sanctury
  40. Zambian FX & Diesel Price
  41. Johannesburg to Lusaka
  42. GPS Hands on Day
  43. Overland Durban to Dar es Salaam
  44. Information Kabwe - Ndola region
  45. Chirundu - Lusaka Escarpment Road no more
  46. Kuomboka 9, 10, and 11 April
  47. vic falls zambia side
  48. Mulobezi
  49. Kafue roads/routes
  50. Zambian Tourism - Competitive advantage lost??
  51. Zambia - Route options to Kafue National Park
  52. Vic Falls to Kariba via Zambia
  53. Zambia Parks Map and Kafue Map
  54. Zambia trip-info and advice
  55. Maramba River Lodge
  56. Load shedding "havoc" in Zambia
  57. Trip Advise Required
  58. Vic falls from Kasane
  59. Advise Lower Zambezi NP
  60. What is this?
  61. Reflective tape
  62. Zambian border costs, visa costs and genearl travel info
  63. Sitoti ferry running but Liuwa access limited
  64. Lusenga plain National park
  65. western zambia and kafue
  66. Luiwa Plains roads and access
  67. Botswana - Zambia Trip Report - July 2009
  68. Two sides of Africa.trip report
  69. Mike's Zambia Report August 2009
  70. Mike's Zambia Report August 2009 - Discussion thread
  71. The Next Person To Get To Mukambi....
  72. N. Kafue to Copperbelt via Kasempa
  73. Zambia - Solwezi to Cape Town
  74. Livingstone to Lake Malawi via Chipata : sept 09
  75. Stickers for Vehicles
  76. Trip to nairobi
  77. Currency to use in Zambia
  78. Kariba houseboat advice needed
  79. Batty about Fruit Bats 2009
  80. Advice required road Livingstone to Chirundu Border
  81. ADMIN, Costs and papers needed for Zambia?
  82. Fuel shortages serious
  83. Kafue info
  84. Zambia: Links to Lodge Websites
  85. Flying to South Luangwa NP
  86. camping in Livingston
  87. lusenga plain NP and Lusenga crater / Lower Zambezi
  88. Zambia 3 Party insurance
  89. Liuwa Plains - Zambia - Trip Report
  90. Zambia Winter 2010
  91. Mukambi - camping now available
  92. Zambia to supply SA with power!
  93. Kom drink n dop
  94. Availability of unleaded petrol
  95. livingstone 4x4
  96. Kafue Gorge, Lavushi Park, Nsalu Caves and Kalambo falls
  97. Livingstone airport to lusaka?
  98. Border crossing south of Bridge Camp
  99. Siavonga - Lake Kariba
  100. Camping near Kaballisi Gate
  101. Zambian trip November 2010
  102. Kafue
  103. Zambia December 2010
  104. Zambezi in flood
  105. Horrible development in LZNP opposite Mana
  106. Zambia family holiday
  107. A trip into zambia
  108. Online petition against the Zambezi hotel proposal.
  109. Zambezi hotel: WE HAVE WON!!!
  110. Wet, wet, wet!
  111. Kafue Trip Advice
  112. Shoebill Island is calling
  113. Emergency Triangles, plastic or metal?
  114. Vehicle requirements for Zambia
  115. Lake Kariba to South Lake Malawi
  116. New routes opened
  117. Houseboating on Lake Kariba
  118. Mc Brides
  119. Requirements Crossing the Border
  120. Three days at McBrides...costs
  121. Liuwa Plain National Park
  122. Introduction and qs about Sambia
  123. Zambia police clearance
  124. Zambezi crossing at Katima Mulilo
  125. 2 Way radios in Zambia
  126. Leopard's Lodge and Campsite
  127. Kafue Nat Park: A McBride's Tale!
  128. Mc Brides to Lusaka
  129. Budget Accommodation Tips needed
  130. Zambia travel tip: A useful website
  131. Botswana/Namibia/Zambia
  132. Kafue - Konkamoya camp
  133. going to lusaka via botswana in december 2010
  134. Chirundu One Stop Border - a journalist's observations!
  135. Kafue in Nov ???
  136. luangwa pontoon
  137. Border crossing costs
  138. Leopard Hill Road
  139. The Busanga Plains, Kafue National Park - some general info
  140. A Few quick notes on Zambia: July 2010
  141. Advice needed for Zambia trip
  142. Diesel in Mumbwa?
  143. Kafue - any suggestions?
  144. Lower Zambezi NP - the entrance !!!!!!!
  145. The Busanga Cronicles
  146. camp spot just outside Kafue on the river
  147. Shortcut to South Luangwa
  148. just finisched journey in zambia
  149. Kafue T4A tracks
  150. Zambia in Sept/Oct
  151. Liuwa trip in Dec?
  152. Self drive in North Luangwa ???
  153. When is it going to rain in...?
  154. Kafue - Fuel availability and last minute tips!
  155. Family Trip from Dar-Es-Salaam to Livingstone
  156. Zambia for 2 months
  157. Trip to Zambia Dec 2010
  158. A few quick notes on our trip through Kafue - September 2010
  159. short cut through zambia
  160. Kafue Lodges-Update
  161. Kafue Trip Report October 2010
  162. State of Great East Road and into S. Luangwa?
  163. Zambia Report 2010 (Lots of Pictures)
  164. Livingstone boat trips?
  165. Kazungula Ferry / Border Costs
  166. Kafue and mana pools
  167. Weather Forecast Liuwa National Park
  168. Busanga Plains Calling
  169. Where can we stay?
  170. Buy in Zambia or import from ZA?
  171. South Luangwa
  172. Bul van 'n ryding!
  173. Jhb to South Luangwa, which road?
  174. South Luangwa: Mfuwe vs Nsefu Sector
  175. November Kafue Trip - A quick thanks
  176. Crocodile attack on Elephant in Luangwa National Park Zambia
  177. Our Kafue Trip
  178. kafue and mana pools
  179. Renting 4x4 in Zambia
  180. Tsetse flybites and Trypanosomiasis
  181. Luangwa Valley gets first rains
  182. Nyamepi at Manapools
  183. exchanging ZAR for kwachas
  184. Kafue: September 2011 - advice appreciated
  185. North Luangwa closes 1 Nov
  186. Comments on Zambia trip
  187. South Luangwa by air from Livingstone
  188. Best route: CPT - Zambia
  189. very belated Zambia report
  190. South Luangwa
  191. Zambia 2011 Please comment
  192. Livingstone to Lusaka to Chipata
  193. Barotseland strife/Mongu riot
  194. A week in southern Zambia - where would you go?
  195. Cape Town - Zambia- Cape town - 4weeks
  196. Mama Rula's - Chipata
  197. Zambia Advice Please
  198. South Africa to Kenya. The Zambian Factor.
  199. Mana Pools Flooded
  200. Route Info Please - Mumbwa to Solwezi
  201. Crossing into Zambia at Katima - Kwachas (ZMK)
  202. New trip report available
  203. Road from Bangweulu NP to South Luangwa NP
  204. Speed guns in the Kafue
  205. Meat from Namibia to Zambia
  206. Need advice Zambia
  207. Pic report - SLuwangwa to Tanganyika via the escarpment
  208. Game Parks in Zambia
  209. Lufupa Camping 2011
  210. Pretoria- Zambia- Zimbabwe-Pretoria
  211. Camping on Itezhi Tezhi Dam - Kafue National Park
  212. www.openafrica.org
  213. Zambia-Malawi in Aug 2011
  214. Camp sites in Livingstone
  215. where to camp in south luangwa?
  216. Going back to South Africa
  217. Kazangulu Ferry Border crossing
  218. Lusaka to Chavuma
  219. Mana Pools to Lake Malawi
  220. Zambia/Zimbabwe Fuel
  221. Walking Tour in Luangwa Valley
  222. A short Zambia jaunt (lots of photos)
  223. Liuwa Plains November 2011
  224. ZAMBIA New requirement for Yellow Fever Innoculation
  225. 101 reasons to visit Zambia
  226. The Kafue Nat Park on www.safaritalk.net
  227. Advice on Kasanka NP, Katete to Cahorra Bassa
  228. Forum road trip to Zambia 2012
  229. Sioma Ngwezi National Park
  230. Western Zambia in August/September
  231. Cash in transit
  232. 4x4 Hire - Zambia
  233. Zambia Malaria and Yellow Fever
  234. Maps for SLNP and Mana Pools
  235. Advice please on best time to visit zambia!
  236. Credit Cards
  237. Last call for Zambia June July 2012
  238. The Lower Zambezi park - opposite Mana Pools
  239. Liuwa Plain NP Contact
  240. Last call for the October trip
  241. Planning gtg zambia trip 2012 - "ken mekaar"
  242. Liuwa Plains in Desember?
  243. Fuel in Chipata and Lundazi?
  244. Comments to our Zambia trip October 2011
  245. One week at Kafue NP
  246. Trip report 4 of 6 - Zambia leg - Cape Town to Cape Maclear in 3 months, Apr-Jun 2011
  247. Zambia advice
  248. Kasanka: for the dicerning African traveller
  249. Peregrines or LZNP?
  250. Draft itinerary for Forum trip June/ July
  251. Planning update
  252. 2012 Forum trips...........rough budget.
  253. Message for Mike....
  254. The MIKE ZAMBIA Forum trip 2012 concern!!
  255. Help with Skin so Soft
  256. Trip report Zambia, Botswana and SA
  257. Departing for Liuwa Plains 24 Sept
  258. Canoë on the Zambezi river
  259. Back from trip through Zambia
  260. Trip Report Zambia August 2011
  261. Camping at Mukambi and surrounding area
  262. Self driving to the Busanga Plains
  263. Zambia photos, Sept 2011
  264. Botswana Zambia (Malawi?) 2012
  265. Busanga Self Drive Forum Special 2012
  266. Busanga Photos
  267. Kafue or South Luanga for first Zambia trip?
  268. Anyone going to Livingstone Oct 22nd?
  269. Tsetse solution. Ser-E-us!
  270. The Patriot Front's Michael Sata becomes top boss...
  271. Mutinondo, Kapishya, Kingshighway, North Luangwa, Luambe, Chipata
  272. Third Party Insurance
  273. Reflective tape regulations
  274. Awesomeness!!!!!
  275. Up the Zambezi
  276. Trip report Kafue and Manapools Sept 2011
  277. Zambia - when to go, car hire, etc
  278. Temps well up in red zone
  279. First time traveller to Zambia
  280. Newbie planning a nostalgic trip back to Zambia with my 16 yr old son
  281. Visa at Border
  282. Mukambi this weekend
  283. Lusaka for Business
  284. siavonga question
  285. Zambia - Dec 7-28 2011
  286. Timing of Zambia trip
  287. 6 nights in Zambia
  288. Zambia overland Dec 11 - advice pse.
  289. Cross border payments on repetitive trips ??
  290. Police clearance required for Chirundu border post?
  291. Big road trip to zambia via zim/bots advice plz.
  292. Gauteng to Liuwa
  293. Long term parking in or near Lusaka?
  294. Forum trips reserve list.
  295. Sioma Nat Park
  296. Zambian pronunciations
  297. Recent news about car hire in Zambia
  298. Zambia & Zimbabwe routing & travel times questions
  299. Self-drive for 2 Old(ish) Ducks
  300. National parks Bookings
  301. Campsites in South Luangwa and Kafue
  302. ZMK to be devided by '1000
  303. Zambia trip for a newbie: advice needed
  304. Camping at Lusaka & Luangwa River Bridge
  305. Zambia win the Africa Cup of Nations.
  306. Our 2012 Africa trip - Zambia part questions
  307. Livingstone: what airlines fly in?
  308. Amazing Busanga Plains option for June/July trip
  309. Diesel in Zambia
  310. Car insurance in Zambia
  311. Limited Camping at Mukambi for 2012
  312. Travel in convoy?
  313. Busanga selfdrive?
  314. Red meat to Zambia
  315. Campsite - halfway Mongu to Lumwana
  316. Suggestion for rental company
  317. West Zambia roads update
  318. Good news on Zambia Park Fees
  319. 3rd Party & Carbon tax
  320. Livingstone Killings
  321. South Luangwa N.P. to Mpika via the corridor road and "05"
  322. Mongu to Zambezi?
  323. Liuwa Plains
  324. Kuomboka Ceremony
  325. Tsetse flies Luangwa valley August
  326. Livingstone to north Kafue
  327. Nchila : Sable's, Sitatunga's & more
  328. Solwezi-Mongu-Katima anyone traveled this route lately?
  329. Kafue- South to North
  330. Kafue: Amazing new (old) route (re-) opens
  331. Confused: route Nanzhilla north to Mukambi, etc
  332. How many spare wheels for Zambia trip?
  333. Camping between Lusaka and Chipata
  334. Liuwa Plains
  335. cost of enering zambia from botswana
  336. Is a licence or permit required for recreational fishing in Zambia?
  337. campsites Kafue NP
  338. Ngonye falls
  339. Liuwa Plains
  340. Border Crossing for Livingstone from Botswana. Which way?
  341. Shopping in Lusaka
  342. Land Rover mechanic in Zambia
  343. Wild Dog
  344. Mukambi to McBrides
  345. Accepted Currencies in Zambia
  346. Fastest/shortest route to Chipata S Luangwa
  347. TIP/Carnet de Passages - How long ?
  348. Lusaka - bank opening Saturday/Sunday
  349. Kaoma > Itezhi-tezhi > Livingstone
  350. Zambia Trip
  351. Peregrines Bush Camp
  352. Great route from Lusaka to the Lower Zambezi!
  353. Strip mining the Lower Zambezi National Park?
  354. Zambezi croc takes angler
  355. What to do if bitten by a venomous snake?
  356. SA Family Attacked in Zambia
  357. Wild dog at South Luangwa NP
  358. Zambian third party insurance
  359. Off to Zambia
  360. Zambia maps (SLNP)
  361. Reflective tape for Zambia (and Zimbabwe)
  362. Status road Mfuwe - Chipata
  363. Luiwa Plains National Park August 2012
  365. North Luangwa Buffalow camp
  366. Forum trip, October 2012
  367. One or two vehicles in Kafue NP?
  368. Luiwa or Luanga
  369. Luambe - Luangua Wilderness Lodge (and CampSite) seems to be closed
  370. Getting kwachas on WE
  371. Working in Zambia?
  372. kazangula border costs
  373. Best way through Nsefu in SLNP
  374. visa requirements zambia
  375. Going in Zambia from SA
  376. Road conditions between Mongu and Kalabo?
  377. Questions re trip to Zambia
  378. Bribed in Lusaka
  379. Kazungulu Ferry
  380. Campsites between Chipata and Lusaka
  381. Lower Zambezi NP
  382. Provisions in Mfuwe
  383. Lostshepards go wander about Africa
  384. Zambia trip - final questions
  385. Zambian Anti Corruption Commission details
  386. Fuel supply in Western Zambia
  387. Buffalo Camp - North Luangwa NP
  388. How long from Mfuwe to Mpika via corridor route?
  389. ZAWA Board Dissolved
  390. Zambia, Tanzania & Mocambique Trip
  391. Mana Pools to South Luangwa - a few questions
  392. Route to South Luangwa NP
  393. Up to date Zambia info please
  394. Add-on to Forum Zambian Trip
  395. Report Zambia Trip 15-20 July 2012
  396. Tsetse flies in Zambia
  397. Zambia Trip Report - 17 August to 9 September
  398. Liuwa Plains
  399. Next trip in Zambia
  400. Possible trip in Zambia next year
  401. Lower Zambezi mine blocked
  402. Current border fees please
  403. Zambia customs
  404. Trip Report Zambia Lusaka - NLNP - SLNP - Malawi August 2012
  405. Zambia - Zimbabwe Trip Report (Zambia part)
  406. ZIM ZAM Trip 2013
  407. Kafue Spinal Road - Judge for yourself
  408. N/Luangwa, Lower Zambezi roads update
  409. From Botswana to Zambia
  410. Observations after a North Zambia trip
  411. Prices of diesel
  412. Zambia and Zimbabwe Trip Report - August/September 2012 - Part 1 - Kafue
  413. What's this receipt and where to pay again?
  414. Trip report part 3: Katima Mulilo to Lusaka
  415. Access to Lower Zambesi
  416. Mwinilunga district
  417. Mc Brides
  418. Luapala province
  419. From South Luangwa to Kapisha
  420. Sumbu NP
  421. Western Zambia - Fuel supply
  422. Storage facility in Zambia?
  423. KAWAZA Village (South Luangua - Zambia)
  424. Zambia Forum trip 2012: Feedback & photos
  426. Planned Zambia trip August 2013
  427. Livingstone- Lake Bangwelu- Luangwa-Mana Pools
  428. Zambia Camping December 2012
  429. Zambia + Namibia - Sept & Oct 2012
  430. Zambia / Malawi December 2012 Trip - Accommodation Advice
  431. June 2012 Zambia Trip
  432. Kariba Border Post
  433. Great News BarotseLand
  434. Tony Weaver Man Friday column on Chinese in Zambia
  435. Sad news from Zambias Liuwa Plains lions one shot in Angola
  436. Man Friday tsetse flies in Zambia
  437. Katimo to Mongu in May?
  438. Comments on planned trip to Kafue please
  439. Route advice
  440. Busanga Plains trip report
  441. Zambia November 2012
  442. Bats in Kasanke
  443. ZMK redenomination - a guide from national bank
  444. Transport old Landrover to Zambia
  445. South Luangwa campsites
  446. Zambia Kwacha needed?
  447. Malaria - a breakthrough?
  448. Cholera outbreak in Zambia
  449. Travel Advice Bots to Malawi, via Zambia?
  450. Ndole lodge Lake Tangayika Northen Zambia
  451. Crossing Lower Zambezi
  452. New years in Kafue NP
  453. Road from Livingstone to Kariba
  454. Zambia - Lochinvar NP - Blue Lagoon ?
  455. Trip report : Zambia - Malawi (Zambia part)
  456. Zambia July 2013 advice plse
  457. South Kafue in April
  458. Vic Falls or Kariba Houseboat?
  459. Kazangula budget
  460. Massive accident in Zambia
  461. Zambia & Tanzania and others
  462. Your ideal route and itinerary for Kafue please?
  463. Vic Falls or Livingstone??
  464. Croc takes child
  465. Trip Report: Zambia & Zimbabwe Aug/Sep 2012 - Kafue, South Luangwa and Mana Pools
  466. Kafue & Liuwa July trip advice please
  467. Zambia Money changing
  468. Livingston camping advice please
  469. Road Conditions: South Luangwa
  470. South Luanga to Kafue and Kafue to Kasane
  471. Swine Flu
  472. Police clearance certificate....??
  473. Kuomboka 2013
  474. Crossing at Kazungula
  475. Zambia, Zim, Malawi, Mozambique Overland
  476. Exploring Lunagwa valley
  477. Kazungula bridge by 2018
  478. Liuwa and Kafue
  479. Lusaka-LZNP escarpment road to be tarred?
  480. Trip Report Western Zambia April 2013
  481. Liuwa to Kalangola
  482. Zambia Trip advice please
  483. Mpika to Mfuwe
  484. Zambia: Luangwa: RFI
  485. Zambia information
  486. Information needed
  487. Zam trip in jul 13
  488. North Luangwa to Shiwa nGandu:RFI
  489. Zambian road tarring steams ahead
  490. Zambia and beyond...
  491. New Kwatcha
  492. Yellow fever injections required ??
  493. Vehicle markings
  494. Where to obtain Zambian Currency?
  495. Kabanga Scout Post - Kafue
  496. Suggestions food shopping Church Rd / Levy B Park
  497. Customs Building Sesheke (Zambia)
  498. 3 weeks to go
  499. best hospital Zambia/Zimbabwe/SA?
  500. Zambian diesel sulpher content